Trapiche Malbec Wine On A List Of High Levels Of Arsenic

D.B. Cooper

Oct 7, 2012
A California lawsuit filed on March 19, is claiming that many popular low cost wines contain a dangerous amount of inorganic arsenic. The wineries that are producing the wines have knowingly created them with 500% or more than the allowed safe amount of the chemical.Trapiche Malbec is on the list of wines with high levels of inorganic arsenic. For $10.00 dollar bottle of wine here,... in the states would cost $60.00 to $80.00 dollars.
Trapiche Malbec 2011 costs US $7.36 at the store I buy from when in the states. How much is it here? I find many argentine wines in the US are cheaper there than here..
Trapiche Malbec 2011 costs US $7.36 at the store I buy from when in the states. How much is it here? I find many argentine wines in the US are cheaper there than here..

The standard variety of Trapiche Malbec can't be more than $40 pesos? I'll have to check in my chino. Even at the official rate, $7.36 USD would buy you a much better bottle of wine here, and ni hablar at 12.80.

I've never seen cheaper bottles of Argentine wine in the U.S. (How much cheaper can you get? A decent bottle can be bought from 45-60 pesos) Of course, it's entirely possible that here and there they might lower the price to get them off the shelves. I am not sure I'd want to drink a bottle of Trapiche Malbec from 2011...

Is Trapiche sold in the U.S. bottled in the U.S. ? Surely not?
There are some that are cheaper. Alamos is cheaper! but most yeah, more expensive, like my daily go to malbec, Portillo, is on oferta at my chino for 35 pesos this week but is 10 bucks back at my local Texas specs. and ni hablar about when we were on vacation in the Virgin Islands in December and a Santa Julia (the average 40 peso bottle) was 25 usd! :eek:
A few days ago picked up a few 750 ml Malbec bottled by Pizzella winery at US$10.00 at COSTCO on discount.
Actually it is pretty good tasting for a such cheap wine from Mendoza. Went back a few days later for more of the same
but long gone,should have gotten more than a few bottles !