travel permit - if the father lives abroad?


Oct 10, 2010

Does anybody know how to get travel permit for the baby if the father lives abroad?

- Baby is an argentinean.
- Both parents are foreigner without D.N.I.
- The father doesn't live in Argentina.
- The parents are not married (but in a good relationship)

From Registro Civil website, if the parents are foreigner without DNI, certificado de domicilio from the police is needed. But the problem is the father lives in Asia for his business and he doesn't have address in Argentina.

Does anybody have experience like this?
You will need the travel authorisation from the father anyway, the father should visit or call the Argentine embassy closest to where he is and talk to them about what is required in the letter.
Thanks. I just sent email to registro civil to ask about this issue. There is another option that when the father is here we can get certificado de domicilio for him at my domicilio.

By the way, I have heard that the autorización de viaje can be done by any notary and costs 300 pesos or more? It seems like I can get it at Registro Civil for 100 pesos tho? What's the point of hiring a notary by yourself?