Traveling around Argentina


Jul 19, 2007
Whats the best way to travel around the country? I have seen threads that outsiders get nailed on air travel. Does that include tickets bought on the web?
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Yes you do get charged more if you are a tourist, unless you flew into Argentina with Aerolineas Argentinas, where you get some sort of discount...Im not exactly sure how much.
Last year I used the coaches to get around and never had any problems. Seat were cama and you get fed and watered...not just as well!!
thanks joey. we have used the bus system in mexico and it was fine also. working on our spanish (which at this point is non existent) since we will be in rural mendoza.
Air tickets purchased on the web are the same price for all. I have never gotten "nailed" in argentina, but i do feel the "package" deals assembled by the tour operators are more expensive then if you made all the arrangements yourself.
Thanks danc. After going through the site here I feel like I need a helmet on! Your reply is most appreciated.
actually, I think aerolineas argentinas has different prices for Argentine/non-Argentine. I have been quoted 2 different prices for same flight - one for an Argentine citizen & 1 for a US citizen.
On their website, you have to specifiy your nationality & it says specifically that certain fares are only for citizens of Argentina.
What was the diffential citygirl? Substantially different for non nationals?
Yes sometimes 2 or 3 x more..depending and I dont know on what.
My boyfriend flew home to Santa Cruz and the reason I did not accompany him was because it was 3 x the price for me, plus I did not fancy 36 hours on a bus!!
If you are in an agency they will ask to see ID if you want the Argentine rate and as citygirl says the website leads you the place you originate from.
Yes sometimes 2 or 3 x more..depending and I dont know on what.
My boyfriend flew home to Santa Cruz and the reason I did not accompany him was because it was 3 x the price for me, plus I did not fancy 36 hours on a bus!!
If you are in an agency they will ask to see ID if you want the Argentine rate and as citygirl says the website leads you the place you originate from.
I am not aware of an offical govt policy to charge non argentines more. i just went on the aerolineas argentinas website and went thru the reservation process for an flight within argentina. i was not prompted to reveal my nationality. my wife is argentine and we have traveled extensively throughtout argentina and we have never been quoted two different prices. there definatley are shady travel agencies that may attempt to charge more, but i have never encountered the dual pricing policy booking my tickets thru the web, in the airport or an the actual airline counter.
In have been to countries where an offical dual pricing policy was the norm, china and vietnam in the early 90's did this. it was a nightmare for the govt to manage and opened the doors to a huge black market. because of this i highly doubt an offical govt sponserd dual pricing policy exists in argentina. i think the problems reported on this forum are as a result of bad travel agents.