Traveling within the country without your passport?


Oct 19, 2010
Anyone able to answer this one...?

My work is sending me from a work assignment here in Argentina to a work assignment in the UK. To do this, I'd have to send off my USA passport for 20 working days or so to receive the UK visa. Can I travel around the country internally with a copy of that passport and another form of ID? Anyone know or know someone who would?

You will be more than fine to travel without your passport. Just keep in mind you do need your actual passport to exchange money.
They will accept a copy of my passport then as ID to show I am a resident when, for example, I have booked a resident priced flight from BUE to Mendoza or such?

Would be great if someone has first hand experience on this - I don't want to be caught in a bad situation.

Has anyone flown internally with a different form of ID from the US such as a drivers license?
jenh said:
They will accept a copy of my passport then as ID to show I am a resident when, for example, I have booked a resident priced flight from BUE to Mendoza or such?

Would be great if someone has first hand experience on this - I don't want to be caught in a bad situation.

Has anyone flown internally with a different form of ID from the US such as a drivers license?

You might want to contact the airline as well. They might be able to provide insight into policy or how they handle this type of situation. U.S. carriers will notate special situations in their reservation systems. Not at all certain how that is handled here.
jenh said:
They will accept a copy of my passport then as ID to show I am a resident when, for example, I have booked a resident priced flight from BUE to Mendoza or such?

Would be great if someone has first hand experience on this - I don't want to be caught in a bad situation.

Has anyone flown internally with a different form of ID from the US such as a drivers license?

They won't ask for your passport to prove your residency -- they will ask for your DNI or Libreta -- or do you only have temporary residency? (in which case I'm not sure if that is a paper in your passport or what) -- you will need proof of your residency to be able to fly on a resident-priced fare, otherwise they may make you pay the difference at the check-in counter.

A driver's license may not be accepted, do you have a residency card yet? I use the card form of my DNI for all internal flights. Or do you at least have an Argentine DL? Make a call to Aerolineas before you send off your passport and see.

What you may end up having to do is get a notarized copy of your passport with whatever evidence of your residency status it has in it and use that for the time being.
Yes I think the way to go is to get a notarized copy. I have temporary residence in the form of a work visa which is a sticker in my passport. I would guess I need to take it to the US Embassy and get it copied and each page notarized or something, then carry that with my driver's license or such as a form of ID.

My company decided it would be too much of a hassle for me to get me a DNI card, so they never did it. Unless there is a way to get one super quick, I think a copy of the passport is the only way.
jenh said:
My company decided it would be too much of a hassle for me to get me a DNI card, so they never did it. Unless there is a way to get one super quick, I think a copy of the passport is the only way.

Getting the DNI is actually your responsibility whether your company is willing to help or not. The DNI is fairly easy to get now and it only costs $40 pesos. Hopefully, your company won't dock your pay when you take off from work to go to the RENAPER. You should be in an out in about an hour, but you might have to wait a number of weeks for a turno.;)
Steve, I think that as I am on a work visa, I need documentation from them. They said that it wasn't necessary to get one, and at this point, I'm leaving so soon that it would be pointless. If I had known early on what I know now, though, I would have certainly done it.
jenh said:
Steve, I think that as I am on a work visa, I need documentation from them. They said that it wasn't necessary to get one, and at this point, I'm leaving so soon that it would be pointless. If I had known early on what I know now, though, I would have certainly done it.

There's no doubt that your company had to provide documentation for your visa (and the residencia temporaria that it grants), but once anyone has a certificado from migraciones all they have to do is go to the registro and apply for the DNI...with a certificado de domicilio and two photos..without any additional documentation from their employer.

From the RENAPER website:

DNI - Original - Primera vez


• Radicación temporaria / permanente expedida por la Dirección Nacional de Migraciones.

• Certificado de Domicilio: Expedido por autoridad policial competente (en Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Policía Federal Argentina) o comprobante que acredite domicilio (boleta de luz, gas, teléfono, resumen tarjeta de crédito, etc. a su nombre). En pcia. de Buenos Aires los certificados de domicilio los emiten los Registros Civiles.

• 2 Fotos: 4 x 4 - 3/4 Perfil derecho - Fondo celeste.

It's certainly possible to live in BA without a DNI, but it does makes some things easier...and some things much cheaper.;)