Troubling signs in the property market

It is a good time for sale and an awkful time for buying.

If itis this bad now imagine in one year the scenario . I can say that the real estate market is absolutely frozen for most properties . The best apartments that are selling are the very well priced or the exclusive apartments in 24 hour security buildings in Palermo , Belgrano and Puerto Madero that are priced correctly . Most apartments for sale now are at least 15% overpriced as most property owners have not adjusted their prices to the new reality . Argentinian people love to speculate but this time I do not see any rainbow on the horizon
perry. the problem you mentioned exists around the world. most property owners have an inflated value of their property compared with true market value. bajo, its only a good time to sell if you can get the price you want. real estate is not basic. it has alot of dynamics and moving parts. some win some lose. buying right is paramont depending on your time line and needs. i am pretty sure with the right agent and sufficent money, i could bottom surf properties on the market for extended time, and find someone in need of cash or just tired. not the way i want to live but there are plenty of investers willing to take advantage of others misfortune.