United States And Mexico Announce Two State Solution


Jul 27, 2006
This is going to affect a lot of Americans who never considered becoming "expats" in Mexico!

The Associated Press has just reported that the USA and Mexico have reached a "two state" solution which will resolve issues which have been smoldering since the war with Mexico, which took place almost 170 years ago. Many Mexicans, including Presidents (past and present), believe that a large portion of their country was "stolen" by the US as a result of that war.

According to the report, the states of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona,Utah, Nevada and California will fall under the jurisdiction of the Mexican government as of January 1, 2016.

Mexico also wanted control of Colorado, but this was "vetoed" by the First Ladyof the USA who is reported as having said, "If Vail is in Mexico I will never go skiing there again. I want to ski down the runs, not come home with them."

PS: Most of Colorado (including the present day location of Vail) was never part of the Mexican Territory, even before the war, so this "concession" wasn't a great victory for the US negotiators.
and we will be eating croissants with cafe au lait in la Nouvelle Orleans, drinking vodka with ikra(caviar) in Anchorage , producing more Gouda cheese in downtown Manhattan, having tea and scones in Boston and living in tipis in Chicago and Minneapolis!
Africa will have white people again and here in Buenos Aires, contraband will flow once more like during colonial days! Maybe things havent changed that much after all!
And soon anyone from anywhere will be able to travel anywhere without the need of a visa.
JAXA will be the next ENRON。 Will be harnessing electricity from geo stationary orbit then shoot its energy down to earth thus no needing for pollution creating power plants. IE: Nuclear,Oil,Gas,Hydrogen etc. The world knows that Japan is a technology powerhouse but this is gone a bit too far ! Read story below if you are into Sci-Fi, fairy tale class. _Alessandro Volta_ tried do this a longtime ago, I remember.

The Space Solar Power Systems project is a space-based solar power plant that generates energy by collecting sunlight in geostationary orbit. The energy is then transmitted to the ground, and converted into electricity and hydrogen for practical use. SSPS consists of a space-based power generation/transmission facility that gathers sunlight, converts it into microwaves or laser beams, and transmits those to the ground; and a power receiving facility on the ground.
There are differences in characteristics and capability between microwaves, which are used in microwave ovens and cellular phones, and laser beams, which you commonly see in computer printers and presentation pointers. We have not yet decided which of the two to use with SSPS, or whether we will somehow combine them. We are currently conducting ground-based experiments to find the most efficient way to transmit energy.
Regardless of which transmission technology we use, when we collect sunlight from outside the Earth's atmosphere, we can get a continuous supply of it, with almost no influence from the weather, the seasons, or time of day, allowing very efficient collection of solar energy. And since the energy source is the sun, it's an endlessly renewable resource - it won't run out as long as the sun is there. Also, because the power is generated in space and carbon dioxide is emitted only at the receiving site, emissions within the Earth's atmosphere can be greatly reduced, which makes this technology very friendly to the environment.

