I cannot believe my eyes when I read Orwellian's posts. Where does he come from? Where does he get his information? What is he talking about?
The US people, even clildren, gave money from their pockets through a lot of websites that were inmediatlely set up to HELP THE PEOPLE of Haiti.
Celebrities, actors and actresses, musicians, singers, movie directors and producers, (obviously if you know just a litlle about their political trends and points of view, you will agree that they are not pro-war and military actions) have collaborated in fundraising, giving not only their time and work but also their own dollars.
Presidents Mr Clinton, Mr Bush and Mr Obama are working together on fundraising to help Haiti - another point, just in case again Orwellian is not well informed, the Haitian Community in Florida is so important that all the official paper work and forms are written in English, Spanish and CREOLE.
Who would be so paranoid to believe that all these guys are conspiring to get advantange of a barren land, devastated and one of the poorest countries in the world. I guess all this compound effort would be more rewarding if they INVADE Venezuela, at least they have THE OIL and at the same time we get rid of the dictator who talks nonsense day and night.