US Presidential & VP Debates

bradlyhale said:
Problems that occurred under both Republican and Democratic administrations. What do you want? More of the same?

And as far as Iran, when was the last time they started a war? More than a hundred years ago? The U.S. can't even go a decade without starting a war. Who is more dangerous?

The fact that Iran hasn't started a war in 200 years has got squat to do with what they might do now.

Did Iran have a history of taking embassy staff hostage before 1979? How are you (and Ron Paul supporters, because I have heard this claim from them countless times) so sure Iran will not act impulsively once they acquire nuclear weapons?

And this isn't just about Israel or the US, this is about the rest of the countries around Iran too. The Arab countries that lack any real defense against nuclear armed Iran.

The "Mahdi's arrival will happen once we create destruction" mantra by the Mullahs of Iran might sound like hocus pocus to you but to the Mullahs of Iran, it is as real as the fact that the earth revolves around the sun.

So to answer your question, Iran is by far the most dangerous regime at the moment.

Does that mean the US should get involved? No please don't. Stay out of the middle east. Last time Obama opened his mouth in 2009 in Cairo, it resulted in the Muslim Brotherhood taking over 3 countries.

Also, the US soldiers are not there to waste their lives for the rest of the world. All I am saying is, people shouldn't pretend to know about Iran and the Middle East when they don't know crap about it. Likewise, I will stay out of this thread since I don't pretend nor claim to know about the Presidential debates.
che said:
There is no question one clearly has achieved some pretty ambitious goals despite the government while the other has used the government his entire adult life to further he and his crony's own ends... from the Chicago swamp to well the zinger of the night.... Solandra....

I suppose you think Romney's Wall Street cronies from Bain Capital are somehow better equipped to run the country than Obama's Chicago cronies?

Didn't we already try giving Hank Paulson and all the cronies from Goldman, Citigroup, JP Morgan, etc. pretty much full control over the US Treasury and the Fed for the last 20 years or so? How's that been working? Do we really need another Wall St guy in charge of things?

Both Obama and Romney are way too friendly with the big banks and no one did what needed to be done after the banking meltdown -- the reenactment of the Glass–Steagall Act and the breaking up of the big banks that are "too big to fail". Due to the corruption in both parties nothing happened, even when they almost sunk our economy.

So it is pretty disingenuous to pretend that just one guy has cronies. Both these guys have been bought by the banks and special interests. I don't expect any big positive changes to come from either of them. So that's why I'm just trying to figure out which one will be best for expats. :)
bradlyhale said:
Problems that occurred under both Republican and Democratic administrations. What do you want? More of the same?

And as far as Iran, when was the last time they started a war? More than a hundred years ago? The U.S. can't even go a decade without starting a war. Who is more dangerous?

The leaders of Iran are saying they want a war. Why not believe them??

Both Obama and Bush made very, very poor decisions. Neither came into office with the experience or skills required to do the most difficult job in the world.

If it were permitted, I'd bring back Clinton (Monica and all) or dig up Reagan and elect him. Better yet, we could dig up Harry Truman and do a Weekend at Bernies thing.

But we can't. We're here with a choice between two men.
nicoenarg said:
So to answer your question, Iran is by far the most dangerous regime at the moment.
Does that mean the US should get involved? No please don't.

Precedent does matter, and Iran isn't the one lying to the international community to go to war, like the United States did with Iraq.

As far as U.S. involvement, of course the U.S. will get involved. Why else do you think they have Iran surrounded with U.S. military bases? Just for fun?

Iran the "most dangerous regime?" Ha. When they start setting up military bases in Canada, Mexico, and Cuba, then we can talk about which country is the most "dangerous regime."
jeff1234 said:
But we can't. We're here with a choice between two men.

They aren't the only choices. ;) Neither of them will be getting my vote.
bradlyhale said:
Precedent does matter, and Iran isn't the one lying to the international community to go to war, like the United States did with Iraq.

As far as U.S. involvement, of course the U.S. will get involved. Why else do you think they have Iran surrounded with U.S. military bases? Just for fun?

Iran the "most dangerous regime?" Ha. When they start setting up military bases in Canada, Mexico, and Cuba, then we can talk about which country is the most "dangerous regime."

Like I said, don't pretend to know about Iran if you don't know anything about them. They do not need to set up military basis in other countries to be dangerous. That is a really naive comment.

All they need is a nuke and the will to use it. They are trying to acquire the former and they have the latter.

I have to wonder, since you like talking about Iran as if you know them inside out, do you know anything about the Shiite sect of Islam? Do you know what the Mahdi represents? Do you know how some of the sects in the Shiite sect of Islam interpret the apocalypse has to come about?

Iran isn't lying to the international community? How do you know? Do you have any proof of it? I am not saying that they are lying, all I am saying is that you seem pretty confident that Iran is just an innocent bystander being dragged into all of this by the big bad meanie called the US.
nicoenarg said:
All they need is a nuke and the will to use it. They are trying to acquire the former and they have the latter.

Again, I defer to precedent. The irony of the U.S. wanting to protect the world from nuclear weapons, given that it is the only country in the world (thus far) to have used them.

Spare me your trivia. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see which country is more dangerous.
bradlyhale said:
Again, I defer to precedent. The irony of the U.S. wanting to protect the world from nuclear weapons, given that it is the only country in the world (thus far) to have used them.

Spare me your trivia. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see which country is more dangerous.

Right. Both naive and blind. Common sense never prevails over stupidity neither does sight over willful blindness.

This discussion is over, I believe.

PS: Let me know when you actually want to have a discussion and not just stick your head in the sand and repeat BS to yourself.