US Tax Return


Dec 1, 2011
Sorry, if this came up before, after searching I wasn't able to find what I was looking for. I just wanted to know what was the best/easiest way to do US taxes from here. All of my income comes from a company here in Argentina. Should I contact the consulate or is there a way to find the tax return forms online? Thanks so much, have a good Monday.
Tax Brain ( is quite good also. I prefer them to Turbo Tax as they are smaller and get you your money deposited into your bank account quite quickly.
If you don't have kids or a house, just need the basics, you should be able to do your taxes with relative ease and for free. I believe TurboTax still doesn't charge for basic federal filing. Be wary of giving them any of your money. Last year they wanted to charge me something like $40 to file my state, when you could do it for free on the Illinois state website!