Vegan Delivery Food In Buenos Aires

First, the farmers in Argentina are less interested in "certified organic", which is an international designation, which requires paying for outside certification, than in assuring locally grown farmer owned produce. The cooperativas and small growers are not 100% organic, in many cases, but are dedicated to growing clean and local food. This is a good example of that-
the asambleria is a store that only sells things made by its owners, and its goals are as much, if not more, about the betterment of its members, as they are about meeting international standards.
Their food is great, though. This is the kind of source for produce you find here, and at markets like the big Feria Agronomia.
So to guarantee 100% organic and vegan is a bit more difficult here than in the US, where big companies like Whole Foods and Trader Joes have spearheaded an industry that adopts the certification, while still being largely supportive of agrobusiness.

Second, I would disagree that all the vegan customers would be young people- the idea of good food, be it vegan or not, has been spreading in Argentina for the last ten years, and eating quality food has spread to a wide range of the upper middle class and, indeed, upper class, as well as young hipsters. Restaurants like Proper, for example, are not catering to young workers- and they are always full. But you have to balance that with the incredible conservatism of Argentine eaters in the whole- who will support 1000 restaurants serving the same bad pizza and cheap muzz on milanesas.
there was an Indian woman who home cooked amazing Indian food, at relatively high prices, to order and delivered, and she did fine- the market, while small, exists. She moved back to India, or I would still be buying food from her.
Everybody delivers- thats a basic requirement you cant get around. But you just hire a chico with a moto, a few hours a night.
I don't think that it's possible fo make any money with this type of business in BA.
I am a vegetarian and have lived in Recoleta for a number of years. Until a few years ago, good quality produce was available from about a dozen produce stores that I could walk to from my house, 6 days a week. Never on Sunday.Times have changed. Now, fresh produce is is fineon Monday and Tuesday. Later in the week I find myself going on a scavanger hunt. T'ain't fun. My thinking is that much of locally grown produce is exported.
I would think that most of your customers would be young workers,many of whom would work in downtown. If you were to deliver the meals, who would be a the residence to accept and pay for the food?.
A great many of the people would probably want their meals at the same time.
How would you deliver the food? Moto? taxi?
Do you know about food prices in BA? higher than a great many cities in EEUU and Europe
Although I read about an organic healthy market, this Saturday evening, I have no idea where one could buy organic produce on a daily baisis.Would the products really be organic? I'm sure that the prices would be outrageous.
To break even, you would have to charge such high prices that few people would be interested

Good luck..

Thank you for your response. I find it very useful and helpful. I have friends that would deliver the food, and I understand that the food is pricey and about 100% organic, I would have to do a lot of research because the regulations on organic produce in BA is different than the states. There are some items on my menu that can be freezed up to a week and people can enjoy them at their own leisure. Anyhow, once again, thank you for your feedback.