Visa Renewal, am I too late?

EliA said:
For what it's worth... when I entered on October 1 my tourist visa stamp is for "3 meses" not "90 dias". According to my Argentine roommate, this means I actually have until January 1 to renew. I wouldn't be surprised even if the stamp reads "90 dias" they still count it based on the day of the month you arrived. So, technically I bet you had until October 15.

All terms in the Immigration law are stated in days, not months.

However, Argentine law (Civil Code, section 25) states that terms of months or years end on the same day the respective month has, regardless of the number of days the months or years have. Thus, a term beginning on the 15th of a month, will end on the 15th of the respective month.

If the month in which the term starts has more days than the month in which in term ends, and if the term runs from one of the days when the first of these months exceeds the second, the term will end on the last day of second month (Civil Code, section 26). Both are free translations, if in doubt, check the original in Spanish (