Want to expat! Hungry for knowledge

AkBill said:
Yes although this all kind of funny, you probably shouldn't joke about concentration camps etc in a country where they existed for real only a few decades ago

I'm definitely not joking, I'm deadly serious. I did google Argentine concentration camps that existed 30 - 40 years ago. Using that as justification for not moving to Argentina now makes about as much sense as refusing to move to Germany because of concentration camps.

These concentration camps in the United States are being built now. They admit to them, it's no secret, of course they want to pass them off as places of "refuge" from the chaos (chaos that they are creating).
I didn't mean it as a reason not to move to Argentina, I meant if you actually come here you should be careful what you say

I work with a woman who lost her father in that period and still gets emotional about it, and if you came here trivialising real emotions and events with some conspiracy crap who knows what would happen
AkBill said:
I didn't mean it as a reason not to move to Argentina, I meant if you actually come here you should be careful what you say

I work with a woman who lost her father in that period and still gets emotional about it, and if you came here trivialising real emotions and events with some conspiracy crap who knows what would happen

Okay, I definitely see what you're saying.

I'm starting to think that the creator of www.escapetheusanow.com has a lot of bias resulting from his level of wealth. Being able to afford a villa in the countryside of Argentina must be paradise.

I never meant to insult those individuals that can't afford one, and indeed I would be myself if I arrived there, that are exposed to the elements and the predator criminals of the world.

I'm being sincerely humble here so I hope people are paying attention.
PhilipDT said:
Oh the irony

Howso? I'm merely discovering the other side of the coin. I suppose the irony is that Argentina is a good option for long term, stat-driven survival, but going there with no funds, not enough knowledge of the area, and poor linguistic skills would inherently undermine those survival goals.

That's really what this boils down too.

Aren't you one of those trolls?
Goshinki said:
These concentration camps in the United States are being built now. They admit to them, it's no secret, of course they want to pass them off as places of "refuge" from the chaos (chaos that they are creating).

I really think you ought to try not to use loaded phrases like "concentration camps" because it just alienates so many people and discredits any argument you may have.

And it's hard to take you serious when you are rattling of all this bs, sorry.
GuilleGee said:
I really think you ought to try not to use loaded phrases like "concentration camps" because it just alienates so many people and discredits any argument you may have.

And it's hard to take you serious when you are rattling of all this bs, sorry.

Like you've done ANY research. You're head is in the sand buddy. That's exactly what they are. Death camps ready for martial law. I don't mind alienating people that won't even look at the facts. If you want to look at the facts and form an argument against them that's one thing. But you don't know shit my friend. You gave me nothing there. Where's YOUR proof that it's "BS"?

Eventually America's treachery will be obvious.
Goshinki said:
Like you've done ANY research. You're head is in the sand buddy. That's exactly what they are. Death camps ready for martial law. I don't mind alienating people that won't even look at the facts. If you want to look at the facts and form an argument against them that's one thing. But you don't know shit my friend. You gave me nothing there.

Eventually America's treachery will be obvious.

Be nice. Most people have been on this board much longer than you.
Sorry, it's just very bothersome that this stuff is so obvious... it's public, and these criminals are bragging about it now. And I provide the links and a few people may check them out and formulate their own opinions and provide a good debate and that's awesome, but it will never be enough to save us. It's very disturbing to me how many people just shrug it off.

I'll simply take this to another forum where it's more appropriate. As I've been saying, I didn't really want to get into it all, but it's an extremely important subject and I just can't help but to try to wake the masses.

There is no more need for this type of heated discussion at this time. We should be talking about Argentina, not the NWO.
Goshinki said:
Death camps ready for martial law. I don't mind alienating people that won't even look at the facts. If you want to look at the facts and form an argument against them that's one thing. But you don't know shit my friend. You gave me nothing there. Where's YOUR proof that it's "BS"?

Oh the things fear can do to people.

FEMA is the Federal Emergency Management Agency, even your sources confirm that. It is responsible for responding to natural & man made disasters. They are NOT a police state. They are NOT another government. They are exactly what they say they are, a government agency responsible for coordinating the United States federal government's response to emergencies.

I have done my research, read your crazy material, but see no truth in it. No reason to be overly aggressive.