Want to expat! Hungry for knowledge

By the way, I think it is funny that you are following the advice of other people to open up a US bank account to have access to your money while down here. Seems to go against the advice of you sources.
Argentina will be the Last Frontier

The world is in terrible upheaval at the moment and my feeling says that it is the end of the financial world as we know it. There will be great devastation in the coming months and I feel a severe war is just around the corner.

Its been such a long time since I have last posted but the urgency of this situation made me post tonight are at a crossroads and we all will be affected.

People ask me why did I move to Argentina and my answer is this I just had a tremendous urge to come here from a young boy and I remember saying to my mother that Argentina will be the last frontier where a new world will form from the dust of the old. Seeing what is happening now around the world I feel much safer here in this isolated but stunningly beautiful land that can sustain all.

Written October 2008 by a Greek Australian in Buenos Aires
Lucas said:
Argentina will be the Last Frontier

If WW3 starts or some other serious shit, then yes, Argentina and the whole Southern Cone is the best place to be.

However, some of the information provided by that website provided by Goshinki is simply not correct: For ex. according to that website, US has the highest rate of violent crime, while South America is "tranquil". Well, here are the real stats: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_intentional_homicide_rate.
Also, Argentina is simply not as cheap as advertised. It was cheap in the years after the collapse and it is somewhat cheap compared to expensive North American cities, like SF or Vancouver, but it's not what it used to be.

That being said, I still think that Argentina is a great country to visit/live.

PS: Has anyone here seen the movie Stuart Bliss?
GuilleGee said:
By the way, I think it is funny that you are following the advice of other people to open up a US bank account to have access to your money while down here. Seems to go against the advice of you sources.
Funny, I don't remember opening a bank account.

Rad said:
However, some of the information provided by that website provided by Goshinki is simply not correct

You are right about that, and it doesn't do well to his credibility. He also says that America has the highest rate of rape, while I've heard that is actually the Congo. I don't know where he's getting the violent crime number, I think what he's maybe done is taken the total population of the United States, which is huge and used that to say "the most violent crimes happen here", not to mention we convict more crimes than any other nation. So yes he definitely found a clever way to word things to make the U.S. sound more frightening than it already is, without being wrong per se. It adds to his marketing angle.

However, before anyone simply discounts everything because of that, the information on that site IS backed up by statistics, and I'm now I'm seeing more and more people agree that Argentina will be the safest haven in the event of a global catastrophe. At least that much he is absolutely correct about.

I have not seen or heard of Stuart Bliss until now but it looks very interesting, I hope I get around to watching it.
Look here G..
As you said before,
I'd do anything for Argentina to accept me. I would shovel crap 8 hours a
day every day if that's what it took.
Well, you arent even here yet and I think that most of the people on here have listened and tried to give you sound advise but you just seem to shovel that crap (your NWO) without the acceptance you want, from this group anyway.
I personally feel that you are not who you say you are. you write and sound too intelligent to be a young dude with a career at McDonalds yet have all the knowledge of true survival skills.
BTW, I have a friend who lived in these FEMA camps you speak of and while it has taken a while to get back on his feet, he has done so with the help of the govt. who gave him the "camp" to live in after he lost everything in Katrina. The same govt then helped him get out of the "camp" and back into a home even better than what he had before.
So, using your own words, "take this to another forum where it's more appropriate"
hannstew said:
So, using your own words, "take this to another forum where it's more appropriate"

I'd like nothing better. I'd instead like to discuss Argentina more as a place to survive, not the tormoil that's taking place in the United States. Although, did your friend mention the fact that FEMA used the fallout from Katrina as an excuse to raid homes and confiscate hundreds of firearms, or is that another "delusion" of mine?

I feel quite a bit of acceptance here, the members have been most helpful in their advice and it's appreciated :). And there's nothing wrong with healthy debate, it's just a pet peeve for me when (some) people forego providing any details or rationale for an argument and go straight to name-calling and idiocracy. That is what aggravates me -- people simply ripping on me out of ignorance. I've otherwise been very civil with people that provide a cogent, stimulating argument, and I think most people that have been following would agree with that. I'm not trying to force feed my "crap" to anyone, or get into fights, but I am, as long as this can of worms is open, trying to force them to look at the facts for themselves and formulate their own opinions.

Why don't you tell me, Hanna, why did you go to Argentina? Is it a good place for survival?
Well, in La. if they ONLY took hundreds of firearms, it was probably just a few homes that were raided. Have you ever been there, they ride around with their guns in the back window of their trucks or have them on their person most of the time. I think there were lots of things that were confiscated (looted), not just guns.
In the beginning of this thread most were helpful, now it has just become repetitave force feeding your opinion on the forum.
I came here because I married into an Ar. family but in reality, it wouldnt be my first choice of places to live. To be honest with you, my survival skills were much better in the US than they are here for various reasons.
hannstew said:
now it has just become repetitave force feeding your opinion on the forum.
I feel more like I'm on the defensive. Either way I'm just as sick of talking about it as everyone else, and it has been improving for a few pages. I still need to seriously consider a new home and I need more information and assistance from others, that's why I came here.

hannstew said:
To be honest with you, my survival skills were much better in the US than they are here for various reasons.

Howso? Skills aside, what about the land demographic?
I dont know enough about the countryside to give you any suggestions. Either way, if you come down, most would say, and have for that matter, come with a round trip ticket, just in case. It costs about the same as a one way ticket. Once your here you hold your own fate.
Good luck

I'm sure you know we the government monitors internet traffic and I am surprised you didn't take precautions about keeping your identity secret.

Kevin, I suggest you forget about traveling to Argentina as we already have a bed assigned to you in a brand new facility built by FEMA especially dedicated to bloggers. There you will find the type of computers commonly on display in furniture show rooms to do all your future blogging.

If you attempt to leave the country we will be forced to send you to our new facility immediately.

Joe Stalinsky
Regional Director FEMA,
Heart Mountain, Wyoming