We want dialogue! No, not here, not now!

wolfy said:
Ok Flowerpower, stop hitting on that paco, it's bad for your health, drogadicto.

First of all, who are you trying to fool? Do you think that folk in here do not know what Argentina is, and most importantly: What Argentina has got?

I am Argentine myself, and thanks to your ridiculous comments resembling the imagination of a small child, I feel urged to apologise to everyone here on behalf of the --few, I suppose -- argentines with grey matter within their heads.

For everybody else: Please do not get the wrong impression of my country, and of my people. He's a twat, like CFK.

But we're not all like that ;) Fortunately, they are still a minority. The others, well, we just stay quiet.


PS: Just fyi, assuming that what you said is true (which is not) I would be more careful of posting stuff like that publicly, remember what happened to Saddam Hussein when he was believed to have weapons of mass destruction hidden under his rug? haha. I truly do not wish you the same fate.
wolfy if you are acustomed to smoke paco an those kind of sustances, then dont proyect that reality of you to the others. ;)
You seem to be the tipical exceptical Argentine wich allwise thinks that everything its better outside, no matter what. People without brain like you was wich had brougth the country to the decay sinse 50's to 2000, because they are allwise trying to turn around the rality to the worse angle. Its an unvoluntary reflex, and you don realize about it.
flowerpower said:
wolfy ... You seem to be the tipical exceptical Argentine wich allwise thinks that everything its better outside, ....
A good rule: When you have run out of real arguments, stop writing.
flowerpower said:
wolfy if you are acustomed to smoke paco an those kind of sustances, then dont proyect that reality of you to the others. ;)
You seem to be the tipical exceptical Argentine wich allwise thinks that everything its better outside, no matter what. People without brain like you was wich had brougth the country to the decay sinse 50's to 2000, because they are allwise trying to turn around the rality to the worse angle. Its an unvoluntary reflex, and you don realize about it.

Che zapato, escribime en castellano, que no se te entiende una mierda lo que decis, tu ingles es terrible.

"Tipical exceptical argentine" What the bloody hell does that mean?
Flowerpower, have you ever heard of this guy named "OutLaw"? You and him seem to share similar ideas, and grammar mistakes (!) .

OutLaw said:
That doesnt have any sense... US can think the same about any country. California economy is in fact bigger than uk or close... so, anyone could be seen as a little mosquito by the whole US in economy issues, and be out of respect!. In the second world war US except uk and france for be a black hole on the map, and after that gave they lots of money for get better, and later called the queen as the "most powerfull person on the earth"...haha..dont make me laugh!. That was a huuge gib from US. Everyone knows that the most powerful man ever was, is and will be the president of usa and nobody else. And in the second place could be the president of japan.
In short, if someone has the respect of U.S. is because it wants it so, and feel lucky.

flowerpower said:
That doesnt have any sense... US can think the same about any country. California economy is in fact bigger than uk or close... so, anyone could be seen as a little mosquito by the whole US in economy issues, and be out of respect!. In the second world war US except uk and france for be a black hole on the map, and after that gave they lots of money for get better, and later called the queen as the "most powerfull person on the earth"...haha..dont make me laugh!. That was a huuge gib from US. Everyone knows that the most powerful man ever was, is and will be the president of usa and nobody else. And in the second place could be the president of japan.

In short, if someone has the respect of U.S. is because it wants it so, and feel lucky.

Or do we have a case of multiple personalities, I'm guessing?
An article about the whole G20 debacle.

It is hard to see whose performance in front of the world cameras was more lamentable – that of the puffed-up Argentine president or that of her foreign minister Hector Timerman who is reported to have called the BBC a liar before walking off making a V sign.

During my years as a foreign correspondent in Buenos Aires I developed a warm personal and professional respect for the late Jacobo Timerman -a giant of a newspaperman who suffered cruelly for being a Jew and standing up for a free press under the anti-Semitic military junta. Jacobo had enormous respect for the BBC and for British and US journalism generally. It pains me to see his legacy reduced to such diplomatic buffoonery and gratuitous insult.

I believe Jacobo would have recognized that the best and only way forward for his country is to demythologize the Malvinas, restore constructive bilateral relations with the UK and accept that the world in the 21st century takes seriously issues like self-determination and the ability of nation states to respect this as an essential human right.
ouch :D

I remember Lanata also heavily criticised Timmerman regarding human rights in Angola. His political career is a wonderment.
wolfy said:
Che zapato, escribime en castellano, que no se te entiende una mierda lo que decis, tu ingles es terrible.

"Tipical exceptical argentine" What the bloody hell does that mean?

Zapato me parece que el burro sos vos una sola palaba no hace todo el idioma!... quize decir sos el tipico argentino esceptico que prefiere lamerle lss medias a estos giles y aseptar todo lo que disen.en lugar de averte puesto en my kontra uviera cido mmejor ke colavorez comigo para taparles la voka a estos avladores ak.
En srio, no sirbe q estemos en kontra!.. si t ofndi dsculpame pro yo trto de dfendr nuestro ogull a cpa y espada aca. Y sria brbaro si cda tnto t unis y claboramos, pq por ahi se psan de la raya cn lo q dcen, de vrdad.
Cndo qieras cnta conmigo si entras en una dispta un dia, ok ? (por si acaso, aclro q escrivi asi pra q no lo traduscn ests )
flowerpower said:
Zapato me parece que el burro sos vos una sola palaba no hace todo el idioma!... quize decir sos el tipico argentino esceptico que prefiere lamerle lss medias a estos giles y aseptar todo lo que disen.en lugar de averte puesto en my kontra uviera cido mmejor ke colavorez comigo para taparles la voka a estos avladores ak.
En srio, no sirbe q estemos en kontra!.. si t ofndi dsculpame pro yo trto de dfendr nuestro ogull a cpa y espada aca. Y sria brbaro si cda tnto t unis y claboramos, pq por ahi se psan de la raya cn lo q dcen, de vrdad.
Cndo qieras cnta conmigo si entras en una dispta un dia, ok ? (por si acaso, aclro q escrivi asi pra q no lo traduscn ests )

ermmm, we understand, its actually easier to comprehend than your English.
wolfy said:
de que orgullo hablas imbecil? no seas infantil. deja a esta gente en paz que lo unico que das es lastima y verguenza ajena.

Xenofobico asqueroso, no se como no se te cae la cara de verguenza.

Ahi te pasaste de la raya!... ves que sos un jodido?... ellos opinan y no saben un carajo de el pais!!...no basta con leer un poco o aver vivido algunos pocos años aca. Por ahi hablan pestes y yo muchas veces los pongo en su lugar. Pero no bastaba con que tenga que lidiar con todos sino que tenias que aparecer vos pedazo de aborto de la naturaleza!.. si sos tan chato del mate callate la boca y deja que yo opine lo que quiera!... yo se bien lo que digo y porque!,,, si vos queres ser un lameloide chupa pja de la gilada es drama tuyo pero almenos por respeto a tu pais callate la boca y no te me vengas a poner aca encontra en forma publica antipatria del orto!. Yo defiendo del modo que se me da la gana a mi parece que vos solo das lastima aceptando lo que sea q te digan calladito como un gil. Aca soy solo una cuenta y nada mas, esto no me representa a mi como persona salame!... solo pngo en su lugar a los navos q hblan de mas a mi modo!. Y si no te va callate y punto.
Asi que metete en lo tuyo y dejame en paz.
flowerpower said:
Por ahi hablan pestes y yo muchas veces los pongo en su lugar.

Ha ha ha! ¿Y como hiciste eso? ¿Con tus comentarios sobre la fuerza aerea argentina? ¿O las armas secretas que esconde Cristina en su bunker secreto en Santa Cruz? Un pedo atómico no es un "weapon of mass destruction."