Happy April fools's day!!!

(here is the 27 of December)
Well, well, well, Lanatta (not Lanata) was a convicted by three homicides related to the drug mexican cartels. One week before elections He asserted "hidden camera" at Lilita Carrio's appartment (Macri's ally) that the K candidate was La Morsa, the drug capo who ordered the 3 assesinations.
Vidals won and they "escaped" from a maximum security jail:
Anibal Fernandez asserted that this was the payment for the fake statements they made against him one week before elections.
Massa also claims that the political connection (Vidal and Macri) must be investigated.
Stolbizer asserted that Vidal was naive?????? Poor Vidal....
Did I mention that Niembro got over 20 million pesos for nice talking about Macri, Majul 15 millions. I just wonder how much did Lanata (Periodismo para Todos) got????
Where is the super jornalist when real stuff happends? Abroad enjoying his new fortune.
Now we are in a real banana republic.
Welcome to the dictatorship of happiness!!!!! Clap, clap, clap, where are all the clapper seals?