Welcome To The Dictatorship Of Happiness

Well, she says with no filter more or less what 48,4% of the country thinks.

I was saying more or less the same for months.

So everybody who voted for Scioli thinks THAT? Really?

Every last voter who voted for Scioli thinks "es la primera vez que un dictador llega por los votos a la casa de gobierno"?
Every last voter who voted for Scioli thinks "Estos que hoy nos gobiernan son hijos de la dictadura genocida y representan el mismo proyecto"?
Every last voter who voted for Scioli supports crap like "armar miles y miles de plazas para que este hijo de puta sepa quiénes somos"?

Wow. Just two points:

1. What you wrote reveals way more about your way of thinking - and probably that of a lot of K's - than about the 48.4%;

2. In your estimation, Scioli must really be a piece of crap.

If the only reason you can imagine somebody would vote for Scioli is if they believe the above crap about Macri, then it follows you believe nobody in their right mind could vote for Scioli on his merits (absent fear of the militar/genocidal/cannibalistic Macri coming to power). Nice.
I m a lawyer, when there is a flaw in the procedure so serious, we just don't take the main discussion into consideration.

BS. Let's repeat this as a yes/no question:

If there had been something juicy to say about the judges, would you have refrained from pointing it out?
So everybody who voted for Scioli thinks THAT? Really?

Every last voter who voted for Scioli thinks "es la primera vez que un dictador llega por los votos a la casa de gobierno"?
Every last voter who voted for Scioli thinks "Estos que hoy nos gobiernan son hijos de la dictadura genocida y representan el mismo proyecto"?
Every last voter who voted for Scioli supports crap like "armar miles y miles de plazas para que este hijo de puta sepa quiénes somos"?

Wow. Just two points:

1. What you wrote reveals way more about your way of thinking - and probably that of a lot of K's - than about the 48.4%;

2. In your estimation, Scioli must really be a piece of crap.

If the only reason you can imagine somebody would vote for Scioli is if they believe the above crap about Macri, then it follows you believe nobody in their right mind could vote for Scioli on his merits (absent fear of the militar/genocidal/cannibalistic Macri coming to power). Nice.

I clarified that she has no filter that is a polite way to refer to her crazyness and its hate.

I disagree with Hebe in 99% of what she says but here we have some agreement.

I m highly specialized in ethnic cleansing and selection laws that were issued during the dictatorship. I explained several times that in the staff of Macri you find lawyers who asserted that decrees replace the National Constitution. Ups, the same than happend here.

So, i was explaining for months that i see as an institutional improvement that the military party participate and wins an election instead of acchieving power by brutal force.

But, as far as for 50 years they made coups, they have issues with the republican system of goverment. This scandal is a good example.

I read many attacks to my professional skills BUT in this topic too (the judges appointed by decree), i was days Ahead of the debate and the press and my predictions were accurate, even many dislike them because they like Macri.

However, this went to far. This is my last reply.
I clarified that she has no filter that is a polite way to refer to her crazyness and its hate.

I disagree with Hebe in 99% of what she says but here we have some agreement.

I m highly specialized in ethnic cleansing and selection laws that were issued during the dictatorship. I explained several times that in the staff of Macri you find lawyers who asserted that decrees replace the National Constitution. Ups, the same than happend here.

So, i was explaining for months that i see as an institutional improvement that the military party participate and wins an election instead of acchieving power by brutal force.

But, as far as for 50 years they made coups, they have issues with the republican system of goverment. This scandal is a good example.

I read many attacks to my professional skills BUT in this topic too (the judges appointed by decree), i was days Ahead of the debate and the press and my predictions were accurate, even many dislike them because they like Macri.

However, this went to far. This is my last reply.

You know something? If you had a brain and a conscience, you could be a nice guy. We might even start liking you (after we got over our disorientation over your recovery). You even post some amusing things, and that rare thing (god forbid) that I actually agree with.

Maybe you'll have an epiphany, like so many other cristinistas are going to experience over the next two years.

Of course, if that happens, we'll always have all your archived posts to remind you of your past.

However, you seem to be a lost cause. (I mean, let's face it, most of what you say is totally insane -- you only need look at this post I'm quoting as a good example -- but if you switched to "good" insane, most of us could tolerate that reasonable well.)

Nevertheless, I'm sure if you had one of those "changes of heart" that are so common here in Argentina and so uncommon in the rest of the civilized world (am I overreaching by including Argentina in the civilized world?), most of us would (guardedly) welcome you into the fold.

Right? ..... Right? .... Wouldn't we? .... Well, maybe a probationary period would be in order.
P.S. I'm curious to know what you think of the outright and ridiculous lie by the Canciller of Venezuela, Delcy Rodriguez, about Macri:

Are you going to somehow defend this nonsense, or are you going to admit that it's a total fabrication, an absurd lie? And if you defend this statement, where are your proofs, or are you just going to point me to a link que tiene nada que ver con nada, como siempre.

The strange thing is that I want to like you; I want to think that there is something redeemable inside you, but you've never, ever, ever shown it.

Are you really the crazy fanatic that you pretend to be, or is there something more to you that many of us would like to believe is there somewhere, deep inside of you, wanting to come out -- needing to come out.

So what say you on the outrageous comments of Delcy Rodriguez?
a) AmigoArtistico, I believe you are the fanatic not me.

You (plural) defends Macri instead of defending what he has made well. The way he is managing the opening of the usd market seems to be well done until now. The same about the Metrobus. The racism in his administration is an issue that you cannot defend. To have people like Albino neither. The huge ammount of laws he veto while he was mayor neither. His party also voted against equal marriage. His plan about ruling by decree ignoring the Congress cannot be defended because this shows that I 'm right in my analysis: A dictator is someone who rules by decree without the Congress but, in this case, with happiness.

I have critize this new administration because the President is appointing people who is biased. For example, he appointed Maria Eugenia Talerico as vice President of the anti money laundry agency. She was working defending the HSBC for money laundry. So, now, she can defend them better, don't you think so?

I know her very well. Her husband is the federal prosecutor who accused me for coertion in 17 criminal cases, a fake complaint made by a judge who asked me for brives. Nice guy. He is the son of a militar and my work is to avoid the enforcing of laws of the last dictatorship (¿political prosecution?). She was an activist of the Pro who refused to be. She also accused me, at the same time with her husband, at the bar association for dismissing a judge for racism. Both were obviously working together to protect the judge who asked me for brives, the one whom I accused at the Consejo de la Magistratura and was judged. So, I can predict that she is going to do the same at the anti money laundry agency, to defend better her clients doing political prosecution and intimidation like she did with me.

Let's see: in the last 2 weeks many complaint about the General Prosecutor, that she should quit while you didn't even know that in this country, she is there for life time like judges and she doesn't work for the President like in the US....

To appoint Supreme Court judges by decree is a coup because they are appointed there to confirm all the decreees enacted by the President, this is too obvious, they cannot be independent unless they are there for lifetime, in fact Highton de Nolasco, a conservative SC judge, made the brindis for Montesquieu defending the separation of powers in a polite rebelion against the President.

It is very clear now. If you read the decision of the judge that cancel the appointing of the 2 SC prospects, you can realize why. I already posted his decision with a link to the full text.

I don't defend the former President, I defend what was well made during her presidency according to my believes and, in most of the cases, I just explain what the law is. As I pointed several times, I have prosecuted K friendly judges at the Consejo de la Magistratura because of their actions no matter whom they voted.

b )Venezuela is not Argentina, everybody is fanatic there.

The accusation made against the President is false. We all know that.

C) Regarding a low hierarchy judge giving orders to SC judges, regarding constitutional interpretation, all the judges have the same hierarchy. The judge who enacted the decision has the duty of enforcing SC precedents regarding Constitutional interpretation, and he did so.
This SC cannot decide on that case now, because they are biased. They can be replace, for deciding this case only, by the Presidents of the ederal chambers or by lawyers who are in a list just for this situations. They are called conjueces.
So, i was explaining for months that i see as an institutional improvement that the military party participate and wins an election instead of acchieving power by brutal force.

But, as far as for 50 years they made coups, they have issues with the republican system of goverment. This scandal is a good example.

However, this went to far. This is my last reply.

This military party sentence is the most bizarre of your current ramblings; please explain in more detail. I'm all ears.

Clearly this was not your last reply.
There are lots of different groups fighting face to face against daesh.
Kurds (Syrian, Turkish, Iranian and Iraqi Kurds) , Iraqis, Iranians, Shia Militant groups, Syrian Rebel Groups, Al-Qaeda, Hezbollah etc etc.

Many of these groups are also fighting against each other at the same time too.

I highly doubt there will be any Argentine soldiers fighting there at any point, as for the Navy or Air force what are they going to use to fight with? Cristina's nuclear submarine? :lol:


Well they've refloated the ship that sunk under Cristina's watch. Maybe the yanks will want it sent over to support their war against daesh...
Looks like Sabbatella has tied himself to a chair and refuses to leave AFSCA under the threat of a forced removal.