Well, for someone who comes here on and off for 5 years - I'm sure you had a lot of direct experience living with the previous regime and its day-to-day consequences for people who were not tied to Cristina, to know how much better
they were than
Macri will be in the next 4 years. Nothing like
not being immersed continuously for a decade of the previous regime to
not get just how badly corrupt, arrogant and dangerous to actual freedom of so much except exp<b></b>ression of militant political rage that they were.
This place "balancing so finely" with the previous administration? You mean the 30%+ inflation (an undeclared tax on the non-governmental corporations and the private population of the country) and dwindling central reserves the previous folk started with their policies? Not to mention draconian currency and import/export controls in order to continue to cheat the people of the country while they imported ephedrine so Mexican drug cartels could make methamphetamine (yeah, isn't it funny they just "by accident" left ephedrine off the list of proscribed drugs that could not be imported, even when that list is an internationally-coordinated list and people like her chief of staff were likely behind it - let's not forget the thought was brought up in her reign that her first campaign may have been financed by these drug cartels). Sweetheart deals with various companies (including the state-run airline and Cristina's own hotel in Calafate) that was costing the people of Argentina millions of dollars that they didn't have per day over years? Thousands of people fired from the government - who were hired by Cristina, some 4500 in the last few days of her administration? Hell, Argentina's government employed more people per capita than the US.
Oh, but all of that is OK because Cristina told us, repeatedly, over the emergency broadcast system, which she co-opted illegally, that she was "for the poor". That she was the head of a country where there was less poverty than Germany (OK, Cristina didn't say that particular one - it was one of her ministers) as she fired all the previous people from INDEC and installed her own force there, which destroyed the policies and procedures of estimating the real shape of the economy so bad it will take the better part of a year to get back to reporting properly. never mind that public schools are a joke here and have not nearly enough infrastructure and even teachers who give a crap to actually educate those poor.
And funny enough - the ballot boxes that were spotted pre-loaded with votes for the FpV, or the many people who went to cast their vote and found out, strangely enough, that they had already voted - and what? just didn't remember having done so? - couldn't have had anything to do with the slim 51.5 - 48.5 margin that Macri won by (even with the possible fraud, that's still 3 points - not such a slim margin). No, because Cristina proved over and over again that she was so honest and really cared about the people over whom she governed.
Tiggsbenoit, your friends spout the same line as La Campora. Your friends would seem to be militant politicals whose goal was to remake Argentina in their image, was stopped by the sanity of the majority of the population, yet feel like they must continue to harass the government at every step even though they were voted out of power - at least executive power. Let's see how the congressional elections go in two years.
But yes, we will all admit - Macri is evil. Macri is the new Magnetto. Macri is going to re-institute the military dictatorship any day now.
Guess Argentina won't be such a nice place to visit any more