Welcome To The Dictatorship Of Happiness

Nice, more political persecution to the son of the former President, who is a congressman:

And more, arrest included:

Ahhhh, I almost forgot it: they have a secret manual that describes the procedure for firing people, among other jewels it states to make fake informs about their performance and and sets the litigation risk of employee layoffs...wait! they were firing gnocchi right? It seems not!

The media law and the DNU regarding AFSCA are at the Interamerican Court of Human RIght, the public defendant asked for the immediate intervention of the Court:
It couldn't have escaped your notice that all of these items are allegations, not facts, and they are all from pro-K sources? You didn't miss that, did you? (Although you do present them as facts.)

Wecome back, Bajo.
It couldn't have escaped your notice that all of these items are allegations, not facts, and they are all from pro-K sources? You didn't miss that, did you? (Although you do present them as facts.)

Wecome back, Bajo.

Soon will be out of sources Tiempo Argentino employees have an olla comun in the Plaza, Pagina 12 will soon follow employees also unpaid.. CN23 and grupo 23 also collapsing. soon. The only SOURCES will be Trolls in Twitter
Soon will be out of sources Tiempo Argentino employees have an olla comun in the Plaza, Pagina 12 will soon follow employees also unpaid.. CN23 and grupo 23 also collapsing. soon. The only SOURCES will be Trolls in Twitter

Thank you for giving us the facts asked by Larsen.
Censorship is a fact.
Welcome to the dictatorship of happiness.

Pd: Larsen, life and politics are not a criminal trial.
Pd: Larsen, life and politics are not a criminal trial.
Bajo, I'll be completely serious here for a moment and try to be clear.

I welcome your links to other information sources that I wouldn't have found on my own. Pagina12 will never be my favorite source for Argentine political news because it's so completely pro-k biased - but it's good to read what they're selling from time to time. It never hurts to get alternate views.

The problem is that when you present these links your comments are invariably of the "aha! here's Macri being evil again!" type, instead of "here's what the other side thinks." It's not what the sources are saying, it's that you present them as facts, not opinions - like the nonsense that Macri is behind Nisman's murder. It just kills all credibility.

Okay, that's all the serious I have today.
Hello.I hope your reading this
The Campora " Dictatorship of Happiness and Temperance" in Parque Lezama appears to be over. Much to the happiness of many of the "vecinos"
After 8 years of Campora rallies in the amphetheatre where there was some times even "paella" for the party faithful
and EVERY GD Saturday a tent with banners.flags and loud speakers blasting us with K propaganda
it was the closest thing to the Hitler Jugend rallies at Nuremberg imaginable.I expected to hear that Leni Riefenstahl had come for a visit.
After Cristina lost we thought,"Ok,that's it" But no.the Campora came until Jan.9
The best part was what happened to the Campora mural on the corner of Defensa & Garay
Maximo's face was splattered with orange paint.Now we don't have to look at it every time we take the 29 bus.
People grow sick and tired of populism ,Bajo.Even in a "barrio popular" like san Telmo.