Wendy's is back...

steveinbsas said:
How about McDonald's in front of the Pantheon in Rome! :eek:

McDonalds in front of Pantheon, so strange


They are polluting everything everywhere, even the Obelisk.....worst than Coke :mad:

If you order a Coke at McDonalds in Rome at least you get something to drink. :rolleyes:

In Paris you might get a coq sandwich if your French isn't good enough. :eek:

I know from experience. :D
Lucas said:
It should read...Eat at Wendy's :p

It looks like she swallowed the Big Macs whole without chewing and now they are bulging out from her waistline.......very sexy, I am sure she has all of the dogs following her who would love to take a bite, not to mention the smell!
Back in '97, I went to the Mickey D's by the Spanish Steps in Rome.

Used the bathroom for free. It was CLEAN!!!

Also, this Mickey D's had a Salad & Pasta Bar.

I didn't eat there, but I was glad that it was there.
steveinbsas said:
I ate (super thin crust) pizza in front of the Pantheon. :)

Totally jealous!

Have you tried the pizza in Argentina?...
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