What Are Sweet Potatoes (Or Do I Mean Yams) Called Here?


Feb 17, 2008
I'd like to find here what I know as sweet potatoes - although maybe they are yams. In any event what I am talking about sure look nothing like the batatas I saw in a supermarket yesterday.

Thanks, Bob
Searched for a year to no avail. I've heard some have found cans of yams in the Jumbo and Carrefour. But then some claim to have seen Yeti, as well. Could be...but I've never seen either.
I bet he's looking for the orangey ones, not the whitish-purple ones...
Batatas are sweet potatoes, they do not look the same depending on where you're from but they are potatoes and they are sweet. There are ones with orangey purple insides and ones with white. The textures are a bit different and they are hard to slice precooked but they are most definitely sweet potatoes.
There are many varieties of potatoes available in the world. Here in Buenos Aires, very few of them. Regarding batata o boniato ( in Uruguay) are not potatoes, and I never saw yams in this city.
what about Batata ...?? :cool: Had it many times as batata frita or dulce de Batata...?

Batata frita es rico! Another frita I just love is the madioca very seasonal and lots of it in the north like Corrientes and Chaco but it just has a great texture and flavor fried. Damn its good!
There are several types of sweet potatoes... I think they are called batata dorada (golden yams) and are available across the border... my boyfriend saw them in Uruguay last time he went with friends, to a guys' campo literally right across the border. *sigh*
This link explains all the varieties of potato cultivared in Argentina and where:


To find different varietied of potato you should ho to the Central Market.