Cotton t-shirts, plain, no tags. I could never find proper cotton here. I bought bulk Fruit-of-the-Looms last time I was up north.
Earl Grey. The national brands they call Earl Grey here are criminal. Awful, putrid rubbish.
If you plan to cook, teflon pans are 3rd rate. You can find T-Fal, but most often defective. Good non-stick (German -
Woll) costs ~$6k pesos on mercadolibre, 'imported' with a hefty mark-up ( as a 28cm cost me around 75 euros in Germany). As mentioned, culinary knives are way too expensive here.
A lot of electronics among other things here are knock-offs. Things like Fenix tactical flashlights (and batteries), Bose speakers, Rayban sunglasses proliferate not only mercadolibre but mainstream stores as well. Figure out what PARTS might need replacing because even finding replacement parts for stuff that gets sold HERE is almost imposible to find. (My experience with Bose headphone replacement ear pads... long and fruitless even at authorized Bose seller).
Argentina gets a lot of stuff imported from China (so what? so does the US) except that it seems that the (really really crappy) stuff that no one wants to take in the developed world gets shipped here. If you have kids, plastic toys are better purchased elsewhere because some of that Chinese plastic is really unstable, noxious, toxins.
A good solid deadbolt lock with plenty of spares. Something that
nobody here will have a key copy to

I'd like to say your favorite pepperoni, but it won't get past the border. No pepperoni here like you remember IMHO.