What Made You Come To Argentina?

I came to BA for the first time in 2004 to meet my husband who I met online.

I knew nothing about Argentina... didn't know about asado, or that tango is from here, or even who Maradona was. And I didn't exactly fall in love with the place - everything seemed very dirty. :p (Although this may be partially to blame for the trip from Ezeiza to his house - we live on Avenida Marquez and there is nothing nice to look at out here.) :D I wasn't really sure what to expect though, so in some ways it wasn't as poor as I thought... although some things did shock me (like seeing young children washing car windshields in the street or the begging technique where they give you an object or a paper and later take it back The first time that happened it was on a colectivo and a kid gave me a toothbrush... I thought it was a gift. :confused: ) I did fall in love with the man, so that sealed it.

At first I would only come for the summer (winter here) - each trip got progressively longer until after I graduated and then decided to stay permanently and get married. I had a lot of doubts which I still sometimes have when thinking about the future and children and all that, but believe it not - this website has actually made me feel less alone and crazy in the decision. When I first decided to stay, I didn't know about this website or had ever met or talked to any expats (just seen the tourists in Florida street, but that doesn't really count.) Knowing that other people are in the same boat and feel similarly to how I do is comforting in a way. Deciding to leave the "first world" when all your life you're taught "go to college and get a good job that pays well" can feel like stepping backwards. My family has been very supportive and understanding. I don't know what they think deep down, but they've never given me any criticism about it. I think a large part of that is that they see that I'm happy and that my husband is a good family man (part of the reason we're here is so he can be close to his older parents).... which in the end is all that really matters, being happy and being with loved ones.
HAAAAAA nothing defines CLASSY better than the quality of paco!
I came down here to help out my elders as they were getting a little long in the tooth ,now that most of them are gone , I think I'm gonna stick around for a spell to see what's what,.... I always thought this country was bad wreck that you can't help it but to watch as you go by.(which makes me sad to see so many missed opportunities)Besides, I'm to damn ugly to head back to the SanFran bay area where men are pretty and women are tough :cool:

I read your post in my mind using the voice of Sam Elliot, it fits perfectly:

I came down to race sailboats in the Star Class World Championship in 2005 in Olivos. The regatta manager caught my eye , and well , we were married a couple years later. You can take the girl out of Buenos Aires , but she always comes back, and brings me with her.
I came down to race sailboats in the Star Class World Championship in 2005 in Olivos. The regatta manager caught my eye , and well , we were married a couple years later. You can take the girl out of Buenos Aires , but she always comes back, and brings me with her.
That's so true, they like it here,
Lived in the UK as an almost baby + in California as a late teenager. Came back to France, studied 4 years Law to become a lawyer just to realize it wouldn't be my thing to deal all my life long with lies & people problems. Studied History of Art for 3 years to become an auctioneer and worked in an auction house then changed my mind again. Started dealing Art & Antique books with an American partner (from the South of the US, now in jail for being the biggest tax delinquent of his state, he's a major GOPer too, now at Petersburg VA...), 9/11 occured and we stopped the business. I kept dealing Art & antique books by myself with the US. Iraq war & French bashing began, started wondering what I should do. Came to Argentina for 2 weeks in november 2002, I liked it. Then the 26th of october 2003, I had sold everything I had in France & shipped 4.5 cubic meters of my stuff here, came & stayed... And never had a regret!
Borges. I just figgered, if he was from here, it was worth checking out.
Plus, I like to go everywhere- at least, if there arent bullets flying.
So its been on my list for decades, and, when I finally got here, I found myself buying a departmento within the first ten days.
I almost bought 7 acres in Pittsburgh, zoned industrial with 20,000 square feet of shop space, cranes, and a view of the Allegheney.
But somehow, I ended up in Barrio Norte instead.
The year was 1996. I was 9 years old and one day, my best friend and her dad pulled up to my house to pick me up. I got in the car and they were listening to some soundtrack for a movie that hadn't come out yet-- "Evita." I loved the soundtrack, loved the movie later when we saw it together, decided I was a peronista and that I would live in Argentina one day. (You can laugh, I was 9.) I ended up studying French all through middle and high school, but once in college, I somehow ended up with Spanish as one of my majors and Latin American studies as my minor. I wasn't confident enough in my Spanish abilities to spend a full semester abroad in Buenos Aires come junior year, so I did a shorter intensive grammar program at UB. Buenos Aires was everything that I hoped it would be and more, and at Ezeiza as I left I cried, so angry at myself for not having the confidence to spend a whole semester in this amazing place like so many of my friends had. I wondered if I would ever have the chance to come back.

Fast forward to 2009, the spring semester of my senior year in college. The recession had hit the U.S. and some of my older friends with similar studies and work experience were having a hell of a time trying to find a job. I though, screw it, this is my chance! I can go back! So I waitressed for six months to save money and moved to Buenos Aires to take a TEFL course and teach English for a year. Just a year was the plan, but then I stayed another, left, came back, left and came back again.

What made me come to Argentina? A critically panned film adaptation of an Andrew Lloyd Webber musical starring Madonna. ^_^