What Would Be The Final Straw?

Would it be possible that you try to find something in Colonia and make a deal with BuqueBus or SeaCat to commute daily?
Uruguay, is clean and nice, But DEAD, (slow death for me), food is even a much much bigger problem there (not a joke there).

It's only 1 hour ida, 1 hour vuelta, I would say it's even more doable than commuting within inside BA.
OR think of doing something on your own in BA. Life experience in BA is worth walking the extra mile to reach.

Often times, that is what it takes, just only that last extra mile that makes the difference and gives the edge.
Teaching English time (unless it's a hobby), has long past ..........

The original plan was to work 2,3,4 days in Montevideo, but continue to live in BsAs. Not sure now. Doing something on my own is probably the path to returning to AR, but it's not that straight forward. We'll see. I have 48 weeks left on my lease, so I have time to figure it out.

The teaching English comment was a joke - the market seems pretty saturated.