Listening to Macri's speech on PASO election night. Listening to what he said with Mahul last night. Listening to Milei for weeks.
And here, just unearthed, is Pagni speculating about exactly this possibility. Skip straight to the segment 49.57 to 50.30 and on to 51.37 about the Radicals. (The rest of the presentation is well worth listening to as well.)
The problem he faces is the cut ballot as they're calling it in Provincia, which is a blurse as it cuts both ways: people will vote for him for President (and not Massa), but aren't interested in his minions for other positions at various levels, local/provincial/federal.
That being said, the hard wing of PRO shares many of his philosophies so if he becomes president there is always the chance he can get
some of his projects passed, but I'm still going to bet he's doubling down on the K's extensive DNU strategy which, perhaps to the Peronists chagrin, has basically been deemed kosher, though I'm sure they'll call his use of them an overreach.
You can do a lot of damage (or change, I suppose it's prospective) via DNUs, so while we shouldn't write him off, long term codification, such as re-writing labor law will require congressional approval, and naturally will face a general strike by the CGT/CTA/etc. and this can be extended to the rest of his agenda too. I do think his DNU powers are strongest relating to the economy though, as Alberto has proved via ad hoc tax creation/manipulating the dollar, so even if that's all he accomplishes it is something for his supporters.
One of the few things I agree with him on is putting major decisions (non-human rights ones that is) like dollarization going to a plebiscite. I may be against dollarization, but if it's going to happen I'd prefer to give the choice to the people instead of him/congress. I'm certain it will be sold falsely regardless, but such a drastic change really needs something beyond a simple quadrennial election
I always find these things funny, it's a lot more telling about the person making the claim than those who they're targeting. Milei, like Ben Shapiro (the guy this Benny dweeb works for) calls
everyone who isn't a
Blut und Boden republican a communist, yet when you ask these people what communism/marxism/leftism is they can't even define it - it's like the Jordan Peterson/Zizek debate all over again, except this time it's black people in Disney movies lol
Milei claims to hate populism, and says he's an economist, yet he apparently failed Econ 101 because he is constantly screaming that Argentina is administered according to Marxist economic theory, which anyone with a basic understanding of economics knows is not true. So this begs the question: is Milei just stupid, or is he a bullshit artist and a right wing populist? As shocking as it is, I'm 99.9% sure it's the later.
Milei likes Austrian Economics, he knows what the
Arbeitswerttheorie is, he knows Massa/Cristina/Alberto don't believe nor practice it, and he knows Argentina suffers not from Marxism which has never taken root here, but instead from basic macroeconomic malaise and mismanagement, yet that's a harder sell than right wing grievance politics and the manosphere grift of blaming pro-choice women with septum piercings and blue haired coffee shop lesbians for all the faults of the world, because it requires zero self introspection or hard work.
Credit where credit is due; if he can manage to bring the concept of the
temporarily embarrassed millionaire to Argentina of all places he's a lot smarter than I give him credit for, but we'll have to wait and see to get the verdict on that one.