Menem privatized a huge swath of government owned industries over 30 years ago. IF, and its a big IF, the policies of the military dictatorship, with its over 40 military owned companies, as well as the government owned utilities, mineral, and petroleum industries were actually "left wing", then that changed by the early 90s. (I think a lot of the government owned companies were not socialist in any way, but corrupt, benefiting established figures of authority)
Protectionism, which is the main objection by many critics of current Argentine trade policy, is not inherently either left or right wing. Its usually done to protect local ownership of profitable companies- the vast majority of those privatized in Argentina and protected by the high tariffs, taxes, duties, and frictional costs, are actually owned by a handful of right of center families, who have actually given us their share of politicians who keep those policies in place.