When will immigration reopen for DNI? I have been trying to contact them.

You keep repeating this but frankly it means nothing. Nothing has been suspended beyond the 30 day validity of the DNU. So for those whose DNIs or residency expire after June 15. Nada. This is your own interpretation nada más. Maybe they will keep extending the deadlines with DNUs (who knows) but as of today if your residency expires on 1 July it still expires on 1 July. Prove me wrong, without citing some biblical jurisprudence BS.
Ignorancy is a bliss.
Sorry, I’m too busy working during quarantine as soon as I achieved to holliday to be lifted for me.
Please give us an update when you get a reply.
I was in the same position, my DNI was going to expire in April. I sent an email to the address posted by @Bajo_cero2, never received a reply. But I had to head back to the US (in May), so I'm gonna have to see how I get the ball rolling again when I return to BA.
I had a couple of replies, both sending me to another email address, but acknowledging what I want to do.
The latest to this email address: info@migraciones.gov.ar and including Name, Appellido, DNI number and my reason for writing. All done in Spanish.
Let's see what comes back, or not, now.
I had a couple of replies, both sending me to another email address, but acknowledging what I want to do.
The latest to this email address: info@migraciones.gov.ar and including Name, Appellido, DNI number and my reason for writing. All done in Spanish.
Let's see what comes back, or not, now.
After 2 days, this is the cryptic reply received today on renewing DNI Extranjero:
"Buenas tardes, la renovación tiene que hacerla en Migraciones. Consulte con ellos."

And this was the reply received from Carlos Cesar Flores of Migraciones Ministerio del Interior a few days prior:
"Estimado, debe dirigir su consulta a info@migraciones.gob.ar ."

SNAFU with these people!!! Predictably useless.
After 2 days, this is the cryptic reply received today on renewing DNI Extranjero:
"Buenas tardes, la renovación tiene que hacerla en Migraciones. Consulte con ellos."

And this was the reply received from Carlos Cesar Flores of Migraciones Ministerio del Interior a few days prior:
"Estimado, debe dirigir su consulta a info@migraciones.gob.ar ."

SNAFU with these people!!! Predictably useless.

Look it’s very clear. If one’s residency expires up to 15 june — as of today — it has been extended for an additional 30 days. It will probably be extended beyond that date next month but no one ones yet. The dni will expire technically but not legally. It’s just a piece of plastic and when I extended my residency last time they told me it’s up to me if I wanted to bother to get a new dni or not. The expediente from migraciones is good enough. So don’t worry.Even if there is some laps there is a 30 day grace period where the only penalty Is paying 50% more immigration fee - like 20 usd more — which is not that big of a deal.
Look it’s very clear. If one’s residency expires up to 15 june — as of today — it has been extended for an additional 30 days. It will probably be extended beyond that date next month but no one ones yet. The dni will expire technically but not legally. It’s just a piece of plastic and when I extended my residency last time they told me it’s up to me if I wanted to bother to get a new dni or not. The expediente from migraciones is good enough. So don’t worry.Even if there is some laps there is a 30 day grace period where the only penalty Is paying 50% more immigration fee - like 20 usd more — which is not that big of a deal.
Very much Welcome to the conversation! Apart from taking issue with your first sentence, all encouraging information. Yours is the first report seen regarding an actual renewal of the DNI. After all it took to get it in the first place, and the avoidance of anyone standing up from Migraciones or the government in general now, it's encouraging to read it might be a cock up renewing anyway. But as I don't trust them in general and specifically when there's a vencimiento date stamped on the card, will plug along getting the renewal when cuarentena finishes.
What is your meaning here: "The expediente from migraciones is good enough." ?
And what is your understanding of where one eventually goes to apply for the renewal? I gather that the renewal fee without penalty is U$40.00.
And what paperwork was required? As I've recently seen a frightening list of doc requires from a friend's attorney. The attorney also opined that for a DNI that expires soon but after the extension date of 15 June, the earliest application date for a renewal is 30 days before the DNI expires.
Thanks again for stepping in, stepping up.
Very much Welcome to the conversation! Apart from taking issue with your first sentence, all encouraging information. Yours is the first report seen regarding an actual renewal of the DNI. After all it took to get it in the first place, and the avoidance of anyone standing up from Migraciones or the government in general now, it's encouraging to read it might be a cock up renewing anyway. But as I don't trust them in general and specifically when there's a vencimiento date stamped on the card, will plug along getting the renewal when cuarentena finishes.
What is your meaning here: "The expediente from migraciones is good enough." ?
And what is your understanding of where one eventually goes to apply for the renewal? I gather that the renewal fee without penalty is U$40.00.
And what paperwork was required? As I've recently seen a frightening list of doc requires from a friend's attorney. The attorney also opined that for a DNI that expires soon but after the extension date of 15 June, the earliest application date for a renewal is 30 days before the DNI expires.
Thanks again for stepping in, stepping up.

Many residents actually never get a DNI. The process is so backlogged that oftentimes it takes several months to get one after the radicacion. Having a valid DNI is certainly nice but but it's not necessary. The letter of radicacion/expediente you get from migraciones is what really matters and this is good enough to prove your legal status in ARG and/or travel internally or internationally. Also once you have a pending petition for residency extention your residency is automatically extended until a decision is made, that's the infamous precaria.

If your DNI has expired and you have a new one with Renaper to be processed they wile give you a piece of paper saying that you have on in the works and that piece of paper works as a temp DNI.
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Many residents actually never get a DNI. The process is so backlogged that oftentimes it takes several months to get one after the radicacion. Having a valid DNI is certainly nice but but it's not necessary. The letter of radicacion/expediente you get from migraciones is what really matters and this is good enough to prove your legal status in ARG and/or travel internally or internationally. Also once you have a pending petition for residency extention your residency is automatically extended until a decision is made, that's the infamous precaria.

If your DNI has expired and you have a new one with Renaper to be processed they wile give you a piece of paper saying that you have on in the works and that piece of paper works as a temp DNI.
This actually points to an important question that I couldn't get a straight answer from at Migraciones when I posed it: which date counts as the date from which your 12 months begins--the date the letter of radicacion/expediente carries, or the date that shows on the eventual DNI?

Since the holder of the residency needs to manage their time to ensure that they stay the minimum amount of time in Argentina in the first 12 months, it is important to know on which date the 365-day clock starts ticking. It is also relevant, for knowing when to start the process to apply for an extension.

I asked the Migraciones official if the residency start date is the date on the letter of radicion/expediente, or the date that shows on the eventual DNI, or some other date, or whether both dates are inevitably the same (i.e., when they eventually produce the DNI they backdate it to coincide with the date the letter of radicion/expediente was issued), and he couldn't answer.

(My first application for residency remains in process, but if it ever gets issued, I would be interested to know the answer to this question.)
This actually points to an important question that I couldn't get a straight answer from at Migraciones when I posed it: which date counts as the date from which your 12 months begins--the date the letter of radicacion/expediente carries, or the date that shows on the eventual DNI?

Since the holder of the residency needs to manage their time to ensure that they stay the minimum amount of time in Argentina in the first 12 months, it is important to know on which date the 365-day clock starts ticking. It is also relevant, for knowing when to start the process to apply for an extension.

I asked the Migraciones official if the residency start date is the date on the letter of radicion/expediente, or the date that shows on the eventual DNI, or some other date, or whether both dates are inevitably the same (i.e., when they eventually produce the DNI they backdate it to coincide with the date the letter of radicion/expediente was issued), and he couldn't answer.

(My first application for residency remains in process, but if it ever gets issued, I would be interested to know the answer to this question.)

The answer is: The Expediente. The DNI is a separate story. On it you have "date of radicacion" on the back, which matches the one on the radicacion/expediente. Then there is the DNI issue date, but that has nothing to do with you residency. If you lose your DNI and get a new one, the new DNI will have a new date, etc.
Many residents actually never get a DNI. The process is so backlogged that oftentimes it takes several months to get one after the radicacion. Having a valid DNI is certainly nice but but it's not necessary. The letter of radicacion/expediente you get from migraciones is what really matters and this is good enough to prove your legal status in ARG and/or travel internally or internationally. Also once you have a pending petition for residency extention your residency is automatically extended until a decision is made, that's the infamous precaria.
If your DNI has expired and you have a new one with Renaper to be processed they wile give you a piece of paper saying that you have on in the works and that piece of paper works as a temp DNI.
Yes, getting a DNI card was difficult to put it mildly. But that was all done a year ago: letter of radicacion, the precaria, other documents produced, trips to Immigrations and Building 6, finally the DNI card issued at 468 Jujuy.
The question is what and how to do now that the card is expiring, before 15 June. Or for cards expiring at a later date.
Some government pages state that all Renaper offices are close due to Covid-19, others offer directions and that only the Central location is open. They talk about card replacements for lost, stolen, illegible or other reasons. You're invited to apply through an app called Mi Argentina and if successful download a digital copy of current DNI, if approved (the final e-mails authorizing they said were sent, were never sent).
Toiling through various pages of Argentina government like: https://www.buenosaires.gob.ar/tramites/dni-nuevo-ejemplar and https://www.argentina.gob.ar/interior/dni and https://miba.buenosaires.gob.ar/id/login/ba?next=/ there is advice that all Renaper offices are closed / and "Remember that if your temporary residence expires in the next 60 days you have to go first to the National Directorate of Migrations." This would by the Av. Hipolito address and "If you already have a permanent or temporary residence in force, you must process the DNI in the traditional way." and finally in mi BA an appointment calendar for Renaper which allows you to make an appointment at Paseo Colon address. https://formulario-sigeci.buenosaires.gob.ar/InicioTramiteComun?idPrestacion=1284

Confirming an appointment with Renaper on Tuesday May 25​
Fecha del Turno:
Franja horaria:
11 a 12 Hs.​
Paseo Colon​
Paseo Colon 1093​

So, if you've got anything contemporary, substantive, and a clear cut path to renewing residency and the process of generating a new DNI - lay it on us brother.