People are WAY too over panicked about bacteria. They are overly cautious with expiration dates, with time out of the fridge, even keeping one cutting board for meat and for veg -- if you have glass or marble cutting boards and are cleaning them properly after using meat on the surface, you are going to be fine. My 96 year old grandmother has managed to survive to that ripe old age without double cutting boards, and her meat growing up certainly wasn't sitting in a fridge all day.
Your steak can sit on your granite counter top (in a dish) and be perfectly fine for at least an hour out of the fridge and you are not going to get sick. Now ground beef, it's a bit of a different story -- it's made from all the off-cuts of the animal and yes, there is a higher chance of bad bacteria contained in the meat, so no I woudn't recommend letting ground beef sit and warm up -- unless you are then going to cook it until black, at which point it will be horribly dry and will have not only killed off all bacteria but all enjoyment as well.
I guess we fly by the seat of our pants in my household, but we don't own a microwave -- and I regularly forget to take something out of the freezer the night before for dinner, so a frozen piece of meat sits on the counter in a pyrex for a good couple of hours at least, in our house, if not longer. And how many times have we gotten sick? Never.
I am fully aware that after posting this probably not a single one of you will want to eat at my house, thinking we have filthy meat hygiene... Too bad you'll miss out on the 5hr slow cooked lamb roasts, bbq ribs, and full traditional asados...