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rickulivi said:Allcraz:
Do you want to get a divorce? Move to Austin with you Mexican husband, who will be considered a wetback. Sorry, did I read he's Argentine? People in the US will assume he's Mexican with all the negative connotations that has.
Who, in the Us, will hire a 38 year old who's been out of work for over a year? If he's been out of work that long, potential employers will feel like he's no good. Why else would he have been out of work that long?
Who said raising a kid in the US is better to raising a kid in Argentina? I raised four wonderful kids here (USA) and I doubt any of them knew our neighbors, even though we have lived in the same upper income neighborhood for 28 years. I grew up in Argentina and i can still tell you the names of all our neighbors, even after 60 plus years.
I have spent the most wonderful 40 years in the US and I love it dearly here, even though I love Argentina too. But this is no Disneyland. Your husband is going to be competing in the job market against 25 year olds that text faster than i can talk, that know Excel better than . . . and that will work harder than your husband. Did i mention they will work for less too?
Move back and you may end up living with a guy who complains about all, who's frustrated to near death, and because he won't know how to use a self checkout lane at Home Depot or the supermarket, will feel useless. Fortunately for him, he will have a wife that he can make more miserable than him, so he will feel good. After all, happiness is a relative concept, right?
allcraz, you seem like a wonderful person and you seem to be very proud of your husband and in love too. Don't mess it up chasing after the gold pot at the end of the rainbow. Stay put, you'll be fine.
Wow, what a bigoted post.
Do you know Allcraz's husband? Because if you don't, how are you so sure their move WILL end up in a divorce? How do you know that her husband doesn't love her enough to go through the initial challenges of moving to a new place with her?
A Mexican? A Wetback? Are you high? My father in law moved to Houston with his family when he was 45 years old. He was hired as the vice-president of the accounting department of one of the biggest firms in the world (don't want to mention the name). My wife went to high school and did first two years of college there. She was baffled when she moved to Dubai after that and people kept on asking her, "where are you from?" She said not a single person had brought that up in Houston because there "they don't care!" Oh my wife and her family are Argentine (=Mexican, to use your f**ked up terminology). Maybe you only remember things from 40 years ago...its about time you educated yourself about the present!
EDIT: My father-in-law at the time could barely speak English.
As for racism, I have seen a lot of it here. When I submitted my application for residence at the Argentine embassy in Abu Dhabi, the first thing the lady there did was cross out "brown" which is what I had put for my skin color (which is what I think it is....well more like yellow/brown
The fact that your kids know your neighbors or don't know them has got nothing to do with countries. The only reason we know our neighbors here in Buenos Aires is because they stink and we have to tell them to clean their goddamn apartment so we can live peacefully. Other than that, we neither want to nor need to know our neighbors. That is the way both my wife and I were brought up. We keep to ourselves and mingle with our friends. You were brought up differently I assume, there is no reason your kids couldn't have mingled better. I won't tell you how to raise your kids, since its none of my business, and so maybe you shouldn't assume Allcraz would want the same things for her kids as you do or did.
I missed the part where Allcraz said her husband was a retard...because if he isn't a retard (which I am assuming he isn't) then he won't have a problem figuring out self-checkout lanes over a couple of months.
As for getting jobs, yeah it may be hard to find jobs in the US, but its no harder to find jobs there than here. Its not like once you hit 40 in Argentina, every one lines up at your door to hire you!