Why I'm An Anti-Anti-Zionist

The international community to put some limits to Israel, like stop bombing or attacking their neighbours -and not only of Palestine but of several wars planned by Israel?

edit: you were referring to democracy? Maybe the same political force that make that democracy viable is the same that impedes the same democracy to other countries in the region.

And no limits on the surrounding Muslims, who wish all Jews - ALL Jews, not just those in Israel - dead?
And no limits on the surrounding Muslims, who wish all Jews - ALL Jews, not just those in Israel - dead?

very good point, which reminds me of this charismatic fellow's speech:
I am not Jewish and don't consider myself ANY religion for that matter though I do believe in god in my own way. However, being from New York City and growing up around a lot of Jewish people, they are just like everyone else. They want the best for themselves and their families. If you look at their history throughout the centuries they have been persecuted, victims of the most horrible atrocities ever known to mankind, many many times, their population has been decimated and nearly extinct. Of course it's horrible to see wars, however they are under siege and I think they have gotten to the point where they will no longer be victims of ANYBODY. It's kind of like the kid who gets bullied time and time again, beat bloody in the schoolyard, humiliated over and over and gets to the point of no return. They now refuse to be killed and be victims anymore......
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I am not Jewish and don't consider myself ANY religion for that matter though I do believe in god in my own way. However, being from New York City and growing up around a lot of Jewish people, they are just like everyone else. They want the best for themselves and their families. If you look at their history throughout the centuries they have been persecuted, victims of the most horrible atrocities ever known to mankind, many many times, their population has been decimated and nearly extinct. Of course it's horrible to see wars, however they are under siege and I think they have gotten to the point where they will no longer be victims of ANYBODY. It's kind of like the kid who gets bullied time and time again, beat bloody in the schoolyard, humiliated over and over and gets to the point of no return. They now refuse to be killed and be victims anymore......

Not even gonna go there.
"I am not <Muslim> and don't consider myself ANY religion for that matter though I do believe in god in my own way. However, being from <San Francisco> and growing up around a lot of <Muslim> (and Jewish) people, they are just like everyone else. They want the best for themselves and their families.

Most of the muslims I've met fit this description too. Not every muslim is an Arab Nationalist School teacher from Kuwait.

If you look at their <recent history> they have been persecuted, victims of the most horrible atrocities ever known to mankind, many many times, their population has been decimated <in Palestine to> nearly extinct. Of course it's horrible to see wars, however they are under siege and I think they have gotten to the point where they will no longer be victims of ANYBODY. It's kind of like the kid who gets bullied time and time again, beat bloody in the schoolyard, humiliated over and over and gets to the point of no return. They now refuse to be killed and be victims anymore......"

That's pretty callous considering you changed history for "recent history" and a whole population for a tiny section of it that has been ostracised and made cannon fodder by their own people. Why don't the Jordanians let the Palestinians live in Jordan? Why don't the Egyptians invite the people in Gaza to settle there if they wish?
Only Lebanon has taken in refugees (those who did not want to become citizens of the State of Israel and enjoy more rights than in any Arab country), and see how it was punished by Syria for doing so...
Most of the muslims I've met fit this description too. Not every muslim is an Arab Nationalist School teacher from Kuwait.

That's pretty callous considering you changed history for "recent history" and a whole population for a tiny section of it that has been ostracised and made cannon fodder by their own people. Why don't the Jordanians let the Palestinians live in Jordan? Why don't the Egyptians invite the people in Gaza to settle there if they wish?
Only Lebanon has taken in refugees, and see how it was punished by Syria for doing so...

If you research what you are writing about, you will find out that Jordan has taken MANY Palestinian refugees. But why is that the issue? Why can't Palestinians live on the land they were living on previously? Why does this mean nothing?


Here's a little more education for you about Jordan. Currently, the 4th largest city in Jordan is a refugee camp containing mostly Syrian middle class refugees:


Just curious, how much of the US's and Britain's (the real problem behind the Israel/Palestine conflict) incompetence should Jordan suffer?
Only Lebanon has taken in refugees (those who did not want to become citizens of the State of Israel and enjoy more rights than in any Arab country), and see how it was punished by Syria for doing so...

Don't be so lazy. The simplest of searches reveals the following:

"1,951,603 Palestine refugees are located in Jordan, of whom 338,000 are still living in refugee camps."

Source: http://www.unrwa.org/