Why I'm An Anti-Anti-Zionist

Why didn't Britain take all the Palestinian refugees? They have more resources than Jordan and it was their bone-headed clusterfuck that cause the situation in the first place.

I think this should be a more appropriate place if we were to talk about the origins of the situation.
And no limits on the surrounding Muslims, who wish all Jews - ALL Jews, not just those in Israel - dead?

I dont think all Muslims wish that, I think is an oversimplification from West (mainly, US), message, that are all suicide terrorists.

But if this situation was like that, the reason could be only one: the occupation by force followed by several attacks, WARS, by Israel with the support of the US. The agressor country is and always have been, Israel. So they could do that without any punishment of International Community, violate UN legislation, limits, etc, all that because of the US support.

For a lot and various reasons Israel is strategic if what you want is to rule the world. Resources (that region full of oil), the Red Sea Channel, (very important commercially) to control Asia, near Russia, close to China, near Africa, near Europe too, etc, that region is crucial if you want to dominate the world. The most important resource of XXth century and closeness to three continents, near the USSR, or, now, Russia. And of course whith its creation you have the permanent war idea, excellent for the countries to deposit, to place their exceded armament when WW2 finished and Israel created. Not only they could sell the excess armament, but they could have a continuum, with this idea of a permanent war they will always have a market for their weapons. The arms industry is the third bussiness world wide, those interests were directly involved in Israel creation.

So there are lots of reasons, why the people in the region hate Israel and North Americans.