Why Is Cfk Trying To Move The Christopher Columbus Statue?

It is all incorrect. The French discovered everywhere in the World.
Also, I doubt many of us can cite sculptures of "native" people (like Juana Azurduy = new sculpture that will replace the Columbus one) in Bs As, I think there are none.
1) The 4 meter tall woman with an enormous gravity effected rack on the ~6 meter tall tablet behind Pedro Mendoza's statue in Parque Lezama that faces the corner of Defensa & Brasil is one.

2) Gauchito Gil might have been a mestizo and he is EVERYWHERE.

3) There was not an amorous relationship with regards to the indigenous population and the European settlers, so it's not like there are dozens of big names of "native" people to point to who helped in the founding of the city of Buenos Aires and/or the country of Argentina.

That being said, from what I can tell, it is a great ploy to distract people from the real problems at hand. It is completely out of left field, it is destined to piss off an enormous percentage of the local citizens... who voted for the hated Macri en masse, and it digs at the Italian community (again with the Macri obsession) while not touching the Spanish community (Mrs Fernandez....).

But there has to be a legitimate reason or two that are not being espoused. And where does the National Government's authority end and the Municipality's authority begin? I would think that the land all around the Casa Rosada is city property. The fence around the "back yard" is just for safety purposes, I would think.
They wan't to erase any mention that Argentina was made up of immigrants who slaughtered the locals.

Shame Argentina squandered its gifts, rich in natural resources, train & postal network built by the British, beautiful French architecture, Italian food.

I feel sorry of intelligent Argentineans that are stuck with such a rotten and corrupt ruling class.
Other than the Vikings and the Chinese (Gavin Mendez is not taken seriously), I never heard of any those people arriving in the Americas before Columbus. Egyptians and Romans sailed mostly inside the Mediterranean and their ships were very unlikely to be able to make a transatlantic trip.

Pacific Islanders probably reached the Americas well before Columbus did.
maybe someone is burried and has no responsabilities to attend.....
They have taken it down for restoration?
The reason for removing the Columbus statue is that the Bolivian Government of Evo Morales has donated 50 Million Dollars for the project.
Juana Azurduy was Bolivian the subject that is supposed to replace CC statue. This totally corrupt government needs to hit the road Pronto... !!!
Who knows how much $$$ the Queen will pocket from those 50 million ?
EVO.....another brilliant political figure in the latitudes of political wizards and geniuses.

Who the hell cares who was there first. It's the same through out history. It's, Who recorded it, who mapped it and most importantly who made it repeatable.
Who cares who did the first heart surgery. Who made it repeatable.
Same with flight. Same with space and the same with movable type.

Evo is lucky if he can remember how to hold a fork and knife the same twice in a row.