Why Is Dollar Blue Trending Down?

Blue Blues: heavy hand of Gov


What a charade. We have the official rate, official blue rate, deep blue rate and out there somewhere, the CEDIN rate. Gov get this thing down to 6.50 , they will be cranking up the printing presses and buying. Ah Argentina, each day is really a new beginning.
As of today, it's possible to sell USD for about 8.10/8.20 to 1 (Blue rate is 7.90/8.05). The Blue rate can certainly be lowered further artificially though, but that will strengthen the Deep Blue rate.

Is it easy to sell for that in BsAs? Here in Mendoza the best rate they offered was 7.70 or 7.80 when changing more than $1k ... a 0.40 pesos difference would make a weekend trip to BsAs kind of attractive.
Is it easy to sell for that in BsAs? Here in Mendoza the best rate they offered was 7.70 or 7.80 when changing more than $1k ... a 0.40 pesos difference would make a weekend trip to BsAs kind of attractive.

What I did is going to the "dolarblue" page on Facebook. (facebookDOTcom/dolarblue).
Many people buy/sell dollars all across Argentina. Then you can negotiate, putting a comment.

That's of course more risky than a cueva so make it the wise way (in my case, I told the buyer I would make the transaction nearby the security guards of my gated community). Try to place an ad telling you're selling at 8.20 and you'll see!
Is it easy to sell for that in BsAs? Here in Mendoza the best rate they offered was 7.70 or 7.80 when changing more than $1k ... a 0.40 pesos difference would make a weekend trip to BsAs kind of attractive.

Germano .... your quoted rates are accurate, here you can get perhaps max up to 8.0 on a regular basis from an established dealer. Now if you place ads and meet like Frenchie, on the streets, and make sure that the 100 peso bills are all good, one by one 80 bills....!!
your quoted rates are accurate, here you can get perhaps max up to 8.0 on a regular basis from an established dealer

Thanks for the info, Rich. I got the quote from the dealer where always change my dollars. The others only offer something like 7.60 here. So 7.80 might not be that bad after all ...