Why is everybody complaining?

Dang the place I'm looking at in neuquen is 2500/mo with three rooms. Anything less than that seems to be pretty crappy quality.
I just checked and yeah, you're right. Admittedly I signed my contract last November before everything went to shit again. Luckily I own a house here that I get rent from that is about 40% more than what I pay for my own rent. I also live outside the central barrios in Capital, which helps in rental prices. Is Neuquen particulalry expensive compared to other places in Argentina?
again, you are swapping root cause and corollary.
We are paying $500 BECAUSE it is shithole.
It is shithole NOT because we are paying $500.
Totally Agree.

No one else´s fault that you chose to pay for a shithole, and chose not to pay for a first-class place in first class economy.
It is not a mystery.
Of course you are. You´ll never get first-class economy and competent government on a $500 budget. Fantasy.
Believe me, you´ll never get a helicopter pad on your roof on $500 budget.
Good economy and competent government cost a lot more than that.

There is a lot of excellent economies out there, and first-class governments, with exceptional business there if you can afford it.

This is assuming any expat from a "first world country" is here because it's cheap. I'd much rather live in Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro, Lima than Zurich which has a higher quality government, economy, services and it's not because it's cheaper here.

Cost doesn't always equal quality. Angola is much more expensive than Argentina.
This is assuming any expat from a "first world country" is here because it's cheap. ....
Fair enough.
But I think majority of the complainers are of this category.
And majority (if not all) of first-class economies will never let you live on a $500 budget.
Please, point me to one example if you can.

Arguing with "You get what you pay for" is a fantasy.
Fair enough.
But I think majority of the complainers are of this category.
And majority (if not all) of first-class economies will never let you live on a $500 budget.
Please, point me to one example if you can.

Oklahoma City...if we want to consider that first-class :D .
To conclude.
Please be advised that there is no point complaining of not getting a helicopter pad on your roof top, if your budget is $500.
Yeah it's really embarrassing. People knowingly move to a third world country, then do nothing but complain about how much they hate it. They hate the culture, they hate the people, they hate just everything. What did you expect? Did you expect everything here to cater to rich expats? Does it really shock you so much to see poverty and homelessness? Come on.

There's expat enclaves in Saudi Arabia or Dubai, go live there instead…

As was said earlier, the most revealing thing about many posters is that they complain about Paraguayans, Bolivians etc, who come here legally with their 2 year MERCOSUR visa, while THEMSELVES living here IRREGULARLY on tourist visas! Clearly they're so special that everyone should thank them for living here and breaking the law.