Will The Shame Never End?

Somebody who calls the President a yegua is a shame for me.
First, this person insult her for being a woman. Second, this person just doesn t like democracy. Sorry about that, she was elected.
The reason people call her a yegua my friend, is obvious. She gets called worse and deserves it.
I was indifferent, even somewhat supportive, of Cristina in the beginning but she's not much different than any of the thieves that came before her. Unfortunately the future looks to be more of the same. The full on propaganda about everything is intellectually insulting... starting with surrounding herself with images of Evita as if she was Evita reincarnate. She's an egomaniac and I find it hard to believe she has the country's interests at heart (something I wanted to believe before.) I think her narcissism and misplaced ideologies have completely eclipsed that.

However, the government is a reflection of its people and its people are the reflection of the government. Its my cynical belief that deep down Argentines don't really want things to change because they don't want to make the necessary sacrifices and change themselves. How can you have an noncorrupt government when the average man appreciates and practices la viveza criolla? There are plenty of people making out like bandits with this government in power - not just the nonworking or poor, but wealthy business owners as well or people involved with the government's pet projects and supported 'industries.' Even K supporters admit the government is probably stealing and lying. The justification is that the opposition is worse... but if you support a bad government because it's the lesser of two evils, you still end up with an evil. I think the true justification is "this is convenient to me at this time" while those that aren't being favored want what's favorable to them and will eventually get their turn. Meanwhile, what's healthy and right for the country gets lost and ignored.

And for what it's worth, this focus on personal/party interests isn't unique to Argentina... it's just that here everything seems a lot more shameless and upfront in how it's carried out.
I was indifferent, even somewhat supportive, of Cristina in the beginning but she's not much different than any of the thieves that came before her. Unfortunately the future looks to be more of the same. The full on propaganda about everything is intellectually insulting... starting with surrounding herself with images of Evita as if she was Evita reincarnate. She's an egomaniac and I find it hard to believe she has the country's interests at heart (something I wanted to believe before.) I think her narcissism and misplaced ideologies have completely eclipsed that.

However, the government is a reflection of its people and its people are the reflection of the government. Its my cynical belief that deep down Argentines don't really want things to change because they don't want to make the necessary sacrifices and change themselves. How can you have an noncorrupt government when the average man appreciates and practices la viveza criolla? There are plenty of people making out like bandits with this government in power - not just the nonworking or poor, but wealthy business owners as well or people involved with the government's pet projects and supported 'industries.' Even K supporters admit the government is probably stealing and lying. The justification is that the opposition is worse... but if you support a bad government because it's the lesser of two evils, you still end up with an evil. I think the true justification is "this is convenient to me at this time" while those that aren't being favored want what's favorable to them and will eventually get their turn. Meanwhile, what's healthy and right for the country gets lost and ignored.

And for what it's worth, this focus on personal/party interests isn't unique to Argentina... it's just that here everything seems a lot more shameless and upfront in how it's carried out.
Possibly the most succinct, honest and on target summation of The Argentine Problem I've ever read.
The reason people call her a yegua my friend, is obvious. She gets called worse and deserves it.

Obvious, sure, they cannot accept a woman for something different than prostitución, House cleaning and having children.

But what they dislike of her is that they lost elections but anyway they want to rule. But she rules...
I was indifferent, even somewhat supportive, of Cristina in the beginning but she's not much different than any of the thieves that came before her. Unfortunately the future looks to be more of the same. The full on propaganda about everything is intellectually insulting... starting with surrounding herself with images of Evita as if she was Evita reincarnate. She's an egomaniac and I find it hard to believe she has the country's interests at heart (something I wanted to believe before.) I think her narcissism and misplaced ideologies have completely eclipsed that.

However, the government is a reflection of its people and its people are the reflection of the government. Its my cynical belief that deep down Argentines don't really want things to change because they don't want to make the necessary sacrifices and change themselves. How can you have an noncorrupt government when the average man appreciates and practices la viveza criolla? There are plenty of people making out like bandits with this government in power - not just the nonworking or poor, but wealthy business owners as well or people involved with the government's pet projects and supported 'industries.' Even K supporters admit the government is probably stealing and lying. The justification is that the opposition is worse... but if you support a bad government because it's the lesser of two evils, you still end up with an evil. I think the true justification is "this is convenient to me at this time" while those that aren't being favored want what's favorable to them and will eventually get their turn. Meanwhile, what's healthy and right for the country gets lost and ignored.

And for what it's worth, this focus on personal/party interests isn't unique to Argentina... it's just that here everything seems a lot more shameless and upfront in how it's carried out.

Sadly, I find that so much of "la viveza criolla" appeals to all of our "darker sides" a bit in our need for some kind vengeance or retaliation in how to "one up" another person for our own advantage. While I have many Argentine friends who would "like" to be ethical and transparent in business here, they argue that is largely impossible given the constraints and hoop jumping required to get any business done effectively at all. I find myself getting caught up in at times as I try to figure out a way to make a living AND be ethical. As to the egomaniacal aspects of the current Argentine leader and population at times, I have often wondered what the heck is actually going on on the proverbial psychoanalytic couch here regarding the ego and keeping it in check given that Argentina has the largest number of people in psychoanalysis per capita than almost anywhere in the world.

Leadership comes from the TOP down largely and Argentina needs to have more exemplary leaders if it truly expects its citizens to be ethical too. We don't see this in many governments at all. The USA loves to venerate and then shoot down and then reward its own leaders too often as well, and the Clintons (Hillary) reflect that to the T. Hillary bemoans the fact that they were "dead broke" when they left the White House, but then has no problem "pimping herself out" to all kinds of corporate interests to make sure the till doesn't run dry. It's a vicious and often self serving cycle requiring some discipline and ethics to be sure in order to correct "the problem." Sigh.....
Obvious, sure, they cannot accept a woman for something different than prostitución, House cleaning and having children.

But what they dislike of her is that they lost elections but anyway they want to rule. But she rules...

The comments about CFK are not because she's a woman. They are because of how "she rules" (your words). Many people on this forum are from countries that threw out Kings and Queens long ago because we found they didn't have the country's best interest at heart.