Word of the Day:

gusgutier said:
Nota de una empresa de USA a su personal en Argentina
It has been brought to our attention by several officials visiting our office in Buenos Aires that offensive language is commonly used by our spanish speaking staff. Such behavior, in addition to violating our policy, is highly unprofessional and offensive to both visitors and staff.
All personnel will immediatly adhere to the following rules:
1. Words like carajo, la puta madre o me da en el quinto forro and other such expressions will not be tolerated or used for emphasis or dramatic effect, no matter how heated a discussion may become.
2. You will not say la cagó when someone makes a mistake, or lo están cagando a pedos if you see someone being reprimended, or qué cagada when a major mistake has been made. All forms and derivations of the verb cagar are utterly innapropiate and unacceptable in our environment.
3. No project manager, section head or administrator under any circumstances will be referred as hijo de mil puta, guanaco, mal parido, es una mierda or es una bosta.
4. Lack of determination will not be referred to as falta de huevos nor will persons who lack initiative be referred to as cagón de mierda, pelotudo or boludo.
5. Unusual or creative ideas offered by management are not to be referred as pajas mentales or pendejadas.
6. Do not say cómo hincha las pelotas nor qué ladilla de mierda if a person is persistent; do not add cagó fuego, if a colleague is going through a difficult situation. Furthermore, you must not say cagamos (refer to item #2) nor nos rompieron el orto when a matter becomes excessively complicated.
7. When asking someone to leave you alone, you must not say andate a la concha de tu hermana nor should you ever substitute May I help you? with ¿Qué mierda querés?
8. Under no circumstances should you ever call your elderly industrial partners viejos chotos.
9. Do not say me chupa un huevo when a relevant project is presented to you, nor should you ever answer sobame el nabo when your assistance is required.
10.You should never call partners as puto de mierda o vieja tortillera; the sexual bahavior of our staff is not to be discussed in terms suchs
as viejo trolo, la mira con cariño or mariquita.
11. Last but not least, after reading this note, please don´t say me la paso por el orto. Just keep it clean and dispose of it properly.
Thank you.
Hilarious. Is this for real??
I know this word of the day, but I will just go ahead and copypasta this here:

Abrochar To button up. To fuck
Abollado Lit, Dented, Someone Ruff or Abused
Afranas To steal, to rob, overcharge.
Defraudar To let down, deceive.
Amarrete Haggler, Cheapskate
Atorrante Worthless, Lazy bum.
Babosa/a Drooling with desire.
Bagayo Ugly person, dog of a woman
Bancar To tolerate, bear, or accept
Bolazo gross lie or exaggeration
Bombacha womens panties
Bulín room or place to have sex
Cábala gesture that bring good luck
Caber To fit, to get along with
Cagarse To breakdown or fall apart
Cana police, jail
Chamuyero smooth talker
Capo popular person, the man
Catrasca clutz
Chacota “A la chacota” slapped together in a hurry
Chorro thief or suspicious character
Chumpamedia Brown-noser
Ciruja Beggar or bum
Comerse “comerse la cabeza” to have lots of problems
Copado Cool or friendy person
Guita Money
Garrón Bummer, pain in the ass
Groso Someone large or outstanding in their field
Manguero A mooch
Tacaño Cheapskate, Haggler
Re very

And one of my favorite phrases:

"Calienta la pava pero no le ceba los mates"
My 4th grade teacher used to tell us "Andate al carajo". Then she explained what Carajo is. For you to know, carajo is the tallest part in a sail ship, where the man with the spyglass used to be, watching for storms and other ships. This was the first one to die in case of a storm or battle, thats where andate al carajo comes from