Working in Argentina

djlinse37 said:
Ooops!!!! Acronym slip! Very sorry! I got my *CUIL* at ANSES in 5 minutes, after having all of the correct paperwork plus that DNI paperwork (but no DNI).

Oh, right, yes! The CUIL takes 3.5 seconds in comparison to the eternity of the DNI!! :)
Leaving out lots of steps, return visits, etc.:

Migraciones --> Certificado de Residencia
Registro --> DNI appointment
Registro --> DNI
This is a good overview. In fact, we also already had our DNI appointment scheduled when we got our CUILs. I see now that this is an important detail.
mini said:
Oh, right, yes! The CUIL takes 3.5 seconds in comparison to the eternity of the DNI!! :)
This is a good overview. In fact, we also already had our DNI appointment scheduled when we got our CUILs. I see now that this is an important detail.

As I mentioned, there was a big discussion between ANSES bosses and lawyers about whether a DNI was required to get a CUIL, but, in the end, it was easier for me to just get the DNI appointment since I wanted the CUIL, not the satisfaction of being "right".

Just to reemphasize, the CUIT step I listed is only needed if you are starting your own business (or something similar). If you're going to work for someone else, you don't need it. I don't want someone panicking over that (even if it was one of the easiest tramites that I have done so far).
djlinse37 said:
Migraciones --> Certificado de Residencia

I have not heard any other reference to the Certificado de Residenia in this forum. Has anyone else needed this step?

Actually, I think I used the wrong name. It is called Certificado de Ingreso. I just went to Migraciones yesterday to get the same thing for my daughter (3 years old) so that we can start her DNI process. Things have been remodeled since last November. Certificaciones are the first thing on the left as you walk in now (although all of the same people working). And now, after paying, they give you a paper with a date in about a week after which you can go pick up the document, specifically mentioning that you don't have to get a number again. Previously, you just had a wait 1-2 hours for them to complete the paperwork. Depending how difficult it is for you to get to Migraciones, this could either be better or worse...