Matias, to most of us you sound crazy. And you are not communicating with ignorant people, but people who have travelled the world and are not so naive. We know that our governments will do despicable things to get an edge over another country. Yours is the same. But about half the stuff you write is over the top and completely illogical. Over and over I hear the same thing in this country: my/our problems are someone else's fault. To be fair, I hear that from come out of the mouth of my own countrymen quite a bit. But the problems from the past, the present problems, and the problems in the future have one main culprit: the people themselves. If Massa gets elected, it will be no one's fault but the majority that voted for him. Would you blame the U.S. if they supported a candidate that is friendly to their interests? Too often it sounds like you are trying to transfer the blame for the issues here on something other than the people. True, there might be a negative influence here and there. But the problems in this country for the most part have to do with the fact that so many are dishonest, unscrupulous, and greedy. That's not always true. But there are enough of those people around to cause great havoc.
I give you an example. You take the budget for public health and public education from Argentina in 2008. You multiplied for two. Result: the total amount Argentina pais of INTERESTS (not debt, only interests) in that year.
See, this is how they act. This is the same situation we currently have in Sapin or Greece. Taking money from one sector (the people who use public health and education) and give it to banks, IMF, etc.
The people who have money want to lend it, want the poor countries to take debt, so they can win with interests.
So the indebtment this government has made, reducing debt from 170% GDP to only 42% might have touched some interests. If Massa gets elected and take debt again, cause thats what he promissed to this people -an exchange for support- it is the peoples fault for voting him, the embassys fault for supporting him and his fault for taking debt.
So this is how external actors operate in Argentina. They just simply dont care if people live well, they just want their money, which they get by lobbying and puting presure in other fields, and go. Argentina paid something like 173 billion of interests in the last 10 years. Just imagine that money into public health and education.
So dont tell me that this people dont have fault of Argentinas present. They literally broke the country back in 2001, by pure especulation and puting presure. That consist how this people make their money, by speculation, putting presure, lobby, and we re not talking of small money but the budget of a country.