Worthless Napkins!!

I hate when someone uses the bidet and they leave the soap with brown blotches.

I wanted to post a photo of this but I couldn't figure out how to do it, so I'll post this photo from Lacoqueta's bathroom instead:


or this one:


In Canada, we have a term for when you drop a big log and the poop water splashes your hiney - it's called a dirty bidet.
Thank you all for helping me out with my list of people whose hands I never want to shake, or let near my bathroom linen.
So then a top-gun Mav and Goose high five is out of the question?
A day in the life of a woman in the typical Buenos Aires bathroom.

Ladies and gentlemen (well, just ladies I guess, actually), I have consulted with a medical professional about the use of bidets. According to my gynecologist at IADT, bidets are bad for women and we shouldn't use them! He brought it up, in fact. This is how the conversation went:

Doc: Do you use a bidet?
Me: No. [In my head I was wondering if he was going to tell me that was unhygienic since they're everywhere here. I also immediately thought of this thread.]
Doc: Okay, good.
Me: Good!?
Doc: Women really shouldn't use bidets.
Me: Really? Why not?
Doc: Wiping front to back is healthier. Bidets push everything forward. And women tend to use them a lot because they're typically more preoccupied with hygiene in the genital region.
Me: Wow! I never thought of that!
Doc: You don't have them in the U.S., do you?
Me: No, we don't have them.
Doc: That's for the best, really.

There you have it.
1) Any gynecologist would tell you that the bacteria of the rear are not good for the front, so you should wipe with a movement from the front toward the back.
2) There are specific soap with pH neutral to low for use in the genital area
3) Mother nature put them very close and we are all still here...
4) Bidets push everything forward.... sorry, but I can't picture this. Here bidets have the faucet in the bottom, so the water flushes upward. In Italy bidets have a faucet between the knobs: if you have to wash the rear, you sit with your back to the knobs; if you have to wash your front, you sit facing the knobs. There is no mixing, unless your hand does so.

This is an Italian bidet:
