145. When ... when it gets dark and they all be coming out from every direction ... From a distance they look like chukies ... u only see their heads moving and sticking out from piles of trash (sometimes their a** if they r in a certain position). They call them the cartonairos.
146. When #145 will be devouring mutilating terrorizing the stuff all night ... till break of day light.
147. When they are returning to where they came from, with the harvest of their hard labor packed in custom made sacks 7 meters high, 4 meters wide, stuck on a set of wheels 10 cm wide. You would rather think the "bleeping explicit" might be a tad bit unstable, (but hey that is only your opinion).
148. When they claim the right of way (cool calm and collected) on ANY artery of traffic including 9 de Julio, Corrientes .. u name it.
149. When you will be fuming if they decide to exercise their version of double lane driving.
150. When the big wigs and the well to do of #145 are equipped with custom modified 1954 pick up trucks with a really good wood tall box. You wonder how come these don't get chopped off when they go under an overpass.