You Know You're In Argentina When.....

I have copy/pasted all "when ..." to a file and the line numbers tells me that next is - not 49 nor 78 - but number 109.
Ok are you ready..................
It's when you are handed the keys to the house/apartment and they are skeleton keys.
103. When China town is not downtown.
104. When China town is rather a cul-de-sac (not a town).
105. When it takes me good few years to find out where #103 was.
106. When in 2005 u don't know that u go to supermarkets for ONLY non-perishable items.
107. When it takes me good 4 or 5 years to know #106.
108. When your body trembles in disbelief after u get an uninhibited smoochy from a drop dead unrelated gorgeous every time u say Hi and every time u say Bye.
109. When after #108 it might get into your head that u might b still desirable. (In extreme cases u might get carried away thinking u r marketable .. don't do that).
110. When u hardly ever get ambushed for traffic tickets at every turn. (in-spite of what u r capable of getting away with here).
Pizza yes, but empanadas?? How???

Tweezers and forceps ... How else?

moving along ...

111. When they classify u as "MAL EDUCADO" for insisting on not using fork & knife for your pizza.
112. When the side walk is like 135 cm in width, and the news stand is taking up 95 cm, and the owner of the news stand is standing in the middle of the left over 40 cm pouring his "mate" from the thermo into his little wooden thing with one hand, and spooning about 10 spoons of sugar with the other hand, and his assistant is trying to hand him the "bombaya" . While 1000's of pedestrians r weaving their way in all directions between him and the wall and the stand.

p.s. "bombaya" is the thingy to sip mate. (Those whose mind is in the gutter might mistake it for panties).

113. When a tourist in the middle of the this whole mess #122, is weaving through and reading his Lonely Planet trying to get a first hand knowledge of Argentina from a reliable source.
75. You know you are in Argentina : when your taxi driver's cologne is suffocating, and the English music/songs
he plays is cheesy, and your driver feels like he drives like a superman.

Actually I had the following happening to me: I came with a taxi from Ezeiza and the taxidriver asked me if there were a lot of people. I said there were people from just one or two planes at migraciones. So the taxi driver takes his phone, calls his mistress and asks her to book a bed in a telo.