Recent content by ventanilla

  1. V

    Where to find good coffee

    This post defies reality I'm sorry hahaha. Colombia has good coffee?? and you think a "flat white" is something characteristically bad about Buenos Aires? You've got it all reversed! You're complaining about people trying to make actual good coffee and longing for burnt robusta in its place...
  2. V

    General practioner in Buenos Aires

    Does anyone see a private doctor outside of a big hospital or clinic who they could recommend?
  3. V

    Been here a month Now

    $150,000 maximum. Probably $100,000 more realistically in the current climate. I've seen nice studios in Palermo for $75,000 which seem like a good Airbnb investment since you can get $800+ a month for them from tourists.
  4. V

    Been here a month Now

    That's a ridiculous price unless it is a 3 or 4 bedroom in a luxury tower. I have never had any trouble finding solid 1 or 2 bedrooms, many of which are very beautiful, for less than $700 a month. My current place which is a very nice 20th floor refurbished furnished 1 bedroom with a balcony...
  5. V

    Citizenship by overstaying

    The process is indeed very arduous, it's basically just your lawyer demanding a change of judge over and over again until arriving at one known to award citizenship to people without residency. This might take 6 months. It could also take years and years, or maybe even never actually arrive at...
  6. V

    Citizenship by overstaying

    This does not seem to work anymore. All of the examples of it working are very old.
  7. V

    Investor visa

    I have a friend who wants to move to Argentina but I'm not sure if any visa category covers him. He works independently online and asked if he could possibly get an investor visa for moving his 1 man business to Argentina, registering it here, and 'investing' that way? Or does the 'investment'...
  8. V

    Why aren't there more expats in Uruguay?

    Because the only thing most expats really care about is how cheap Argentina is, and Uruguay is as expensive as some first world countries
  9. V

    Buquebus Tips

    Officialy buquebus allows 2 small carry on bags and 1 20kg suitcase, but in practice they seem to be very lax with this
  10. V

    Denied Digital Nomad Visa - My Experience

    Where is the site to apply for the digital nomad visa? I can find sites promoting it but nothing about the actual official migraciones application.
  11. V

    Overstaying tourist visa for 1-2 years

    Some people here seem to have financial interest in spreading the idea that you can get citizenship easily without residency. It is basically spread like it's common sense even though it rarely works.
  12. V

    Got shouted at on first border hop at the Buquebus terminal in BA

    This is the BA government, they have nothing to do with migration. They're basically just giving people advice, not actually stating anything to do with federal migration policy
  13. V

    Got shouted at on first border hop at the Buquebus terminal in BA

    You can be denied entry at any time for any reason. That it's legal to re-enter doesn't mean you'll be allowed to. It is legal to overstay. This is different. You should attempt to get a legal migration status to ensure this doesn't happen again, if you plan to stay for longer. That or stay...
  14. V

    About the Tractorazo

    It's genuinely funny to see Americans trying to frame people who are worth millions in a country where most people earn $300 a month as not incredibly rich. Their consumerist, McDonalds lifestyle has convinced them that being able to buy literally anything you want and live in luxury is actually...
  15. V

    New ARG banknotes will be printed with the faces of national heroes

    Macri changed the bills from national heroes (same as in EVERY COUNTRY) to animals, 'changing something that wasn't broken', as you put it. This is just a restoration to how it was previously. Curiously, no words like this were spoken here when Macri did that and you actually say that you like...