Search results

  1. D

    Renters Insurance

    Hello everyone, I’ve recently been offered a pretty good deal (even at today’s prices) for the lease of an apartment I really like. The lady who is leasing it is asking for two month’s deposit and the typical garantía of another property, however she mentioned that I could alternatively take...
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    Staying Fit & Trim in BA

    What’s the secret to staying fit/trim and relatively thin in BA? I find that Porteños eat and eat well, and, unless whatever meal I am observing them have that day at whatever restraurant/café is the only thing they will eat that day, I would say they eat quite robustly as well. It’s also...
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    If Money Was No Object

    Normal is an illusion. What’s normal to the spider is quIlombo to the fly.
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    If Money Was No Object

    I didn’t say the ‘sensation of chaos’ - I meant that many of the faults you had listed about BsAs are also shared by many of the other places you had mentioned. Although- In October I was in Barcelona during the Catalan situation and the sensation of chaos at that time (which was followed suit...
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    If Money Was No Object

    No, it is not all black and white, however the point I was trying to make is that some of the places mentioned as ‘paradise places if money were no object’, do, to some extent, share some of the same exact problems and turmoils as what Rich One listed and are by far from perfect themselves. If...
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    If Money Was No Object

    Lol I am sure that can even be done in BsAs if you have the right living arrangement/set up. I know plenty of wealthy Porteños who sometimes act as though they aren’t affected by many of the perils and tormoils of day to day BsAs life and live in their own bubble
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    If Money Was No Object

    Rich One- The irony is that all of the places you list also share many (if not all) of the defects you mention of BsAs.... Most Mediterranean countries in Europe also have extreme political corruption, strikes, issues with health care and education, brecha, etc etc That being said, many of...
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    Charging in USD

    Hello Everyone, Is there a certain criteria for what can/cannot be charged in USD? I do consulting geared at an international affluent professional clientele, and (naturally) I would much rather charge in USD, apart from the fact that it would probably be easier for the type of clientele (not...
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    Overstaying 90-day limit

    In some cases the airlines are a lot stricter than customs, if they don’t follow the exact rules for entry/exit and are audited they face steep fines (100k or more)
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    The Macri Debate

    Once again (surprise surprise) another political figure inspiring total admiration if not love by some (mostly upper class/professionals?) and total loathing (IE: bombarding Facebook with memes every 2 minutes type of thing)... what is the deal? What I mean is that (at least in my circle of...
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    English speaking hairstylist

    If you do men’s cuts (I have the typical thick Spanish hair that needs texturizing) I would love to get your info
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    Dollar Up

    It’s definitely more expensive than it was in ‘the good ol days’, but I would venture to say that *if you know where to go and how to spend your money* (big emphasis on this part) you can still generally come out living a better off lifestyle than you would in most major US or European cities...
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    English speaking hairstylist

    I don’t think there are any Aveda concept salons or that you can even get the product here, but a similar concept would be awesome
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    English speaking hairstylist

    I’m curious about this as well- I lived in BA for a few years and now that I think about it, i didn’t see any really upscale Aveda/Vidal Sassoon type places like you’d find in the States or Europe. When I lived here I had a guy that was great at Hair & Body a somewhat upscale place on Av Santa...
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    Overstaying 90-day limit

    I believe it’s true that they do not take credit cards. Since it is supposed to be a government related payment (a fine of sorts) credit is not usually an acceptable means to pay this type of thing in many countries. The payment center is usually by a mini bank stand/cashpoint allowing you to...
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    Looking For Nice Furnished 1 Bedroom Flat

    Hello Everyone, I am searching for a nicer than average 1 bedroom (no studio/monoambiente) that is furnished and equipped with the basic amenities. I am totally flexible with regards to both the price (within reason) and the terms of the ‘lease’ if it’s something that I really like, but am...
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    Can You Stay in Hotel on Expired Visa?

    The hotel is generally just checking to match that your ID name matches the name on your credit card
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    AFIP...additional VAT tax to Airbnb & digital services

    Interesting because most hotel stays when booked by foreigners and paid with a credit card are VAT excempt.
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    Inflation ???

    It seems like the inflation of prices in pesos aligns with the dollar going up. Just when I see the USD official rate is at nearly 21 and think that my usual purchase will cost me less in USD, I see that the price in pesos has also gone up and I’m flat even or even worst.
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    Looking for part time maid

    Hello, have you found anyone yet? If not, I can recommend mine, please private msg me