Search results

  1. D

    International Marketing/Comunication/PR Candidate Profile

    Hi Ex-pats, My job search in Buenos Aires is in full swing, and I wanted to reach out to the ex-pat community to see if anyone knows of any US/European or even Argentine company (start-ups OK too) looking to hire somebody that fits my profile: I am a 29 year old marketing/external...
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    NYC to Buenos Aires - question on cost of living

    Geez, give the OP a break. As someone who has recently also moved here and is finding my way day by day, I love having this forum as a resource, but have noticed a horrible pattern that anytime anybody even hints at the possibility of moving here, they are talked about how horrible and expensive...
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    NYC to Buenos Aires - question on cost of living

    $10K pesos is a strong local salary, but Argentines want much less than most Americans. Even 3 years ago you could have lived very well on $10K pesos, but BA is not cheap now. I think this is the key statement. It depends on the kind of lifestyle that you are used to. The typical Upper East...
  4. D

    Senior citizens in BsAs??

    I am considering bringing my 92 year old grandmother to live in Buenos Aires. She is Spanish and is currently living with an Uncle in the USA, but he is quite busy and is no longer able to care for her. Does anyone know of any options for ex-pat nursing homes/residencias? I feel a nursing home...
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    Expat Moms - are Argentine kids rude?

    Well, I do not have kids personally so maybe wouldn't be the best to comment, however, from someone who has travelled and lived in multiple countries and cultures, it is my observation that children here (Buenos Aires) are given a lot more attention than in other places. 75% of the shows on...
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    Best way to mail priority envelope? DHL vs FED EX?

    I need a relative to send me an (unactivated) bank debit card that has arrived for me in the States, so we are talking about the smallest possible envelope with virtually no weight. My question is, what would be the quickest, safest, and cheapest way for my relative to send it to me here in CF...
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    No booze tonight?

    As you know, tommorrow is the famous ¨balotaje¨ recount of the elections for mayor of BsAs CF, and from what I understand the rules are back in place: No booze, which means most boliches are closing, etc. From what I can see, it looks like most places are actually enforcing it this time, a...
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    Legal diet pills in Argentina?

    Sorry, I didnt mean to post this in both the Newcomers and the other section of the forum, its just that I did not see that my original post had gone through after a few hours. If someone wants to consolidate the two... FYI regarding the topic: It's my understanding that it is still available...
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    Mac book air/mac book pro charger

    All the authorized Mac retailers here have them....... but for an exorbitant price.. I believe 800 pesos!!!
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    Weight-Loss Medications in BsAs?

    I appreciate the common sense advise. I am by no means overweight, I eat a healthy diet and am plenty active, but I am very prone to gaining weight at the slighest change of my regular eating habits (IE: travelling to the USA and having to eat out frequently while there, etc) and have a...
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    Weight-Loss Medications in BsAs?

    Not wanting to sound like a pill popper or anything, but I used to be able to purchase in BsAs a weight-loss medication known as Reductol, which was a great and effective medication which really helped you lose a few extra lbs safely in a pretty short period of time by curbing your appetite. it...
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    Legal diet pills in Argentina?

    Not wanting to sound like a pill popper, but when I visited as a tourist I used to be able to liberally purchase (without a prescription) Reductol, a diet drug that was great at curbing your appetite and miraculous for ever so often losing those ¨occasional few kilos¨ and sold in Argentina, it...
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    Just Arrived in BA

    Welcome. You will love Buenos Aires. A friend of mine is from Houston and is looking into making plans to move here.
  14. D

    Scam Artist Cab Drivers

    Yes, I understand that making change can be a problem, EVERYWHERE it seems really. I paid for a 25 peso tab at Starbucks on Callao with a 50 and they made me wait 5 minutes while the manager went and got change for my FIFTY. I dont know what a big issue it is to pay for a 40 peso cab fare with...
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    Scam Artist Cab Drivers

    I'm thinking Im going to be the most annoying cab passenger from now on. Instructing them on which route I prefer them to take AND quoting aloud how much I am giving and holding it out clearly, ¨I'm giving you a FIFTY!¨ etc. LOL
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    Scam Artist Cab Drivers

    It is a very common scam...especially in that area! I dont believe I had read about that one on here. These damn cab drivers.
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    Scam Artist Cab Drivers

    I dont know if this has happened to anybody before, but just thought I'd share. I flagged down a cab yesterday after dinner outside a nice Puerto Madero restaurant and told the cabbie where I wanted to go (a boliche) and told him what route to best take. I could detect than even from the get go...
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    Can Convicted Felons Enter Argentina?

    I dont know that nationality would make a difference but the general consensus when I have asked Argentine lawyer friends is that its possibly not a major deal because for example in the case of both of these famous felons now residing comfortably in Buenos Aires are felons mainly due to white...
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    Can Convicted Felons Enter Argentina?

    One of Spain's most wanted felons, Emilio Rodriguez Menendez now calls Buenos Aires home. He lives in a lavish Puerto Madero home and even does freelance consulting for a local law firm as (excusing the fact that he is a most wanted felon) he is also supposed to be a genius lawyer with great...
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    US/European style Head Hunter/Job Coach? (long)

    star, do you have the details of this head hunting agency? thanks in advance.