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  1. expat0tree

    locked out of my canadian online banking!

    Almost all Google Voice calls to the U.S. and Canada are free when you're calling from the U.S. Calls to a few places in the U.S. and Canada cost 1 cent per minute (USD), or the listed rate for your local currency Calls to places outside the U.S. are at listed rates
  2. expat0tree

    locked out of my canadian online banking!

    no, it doesn't. like i was recommended recently one must add 00 before the number, and in my case i have no credit on my phone to make such call and even if i did, i would not have enough unless i loaded the phone with $3000 or something terribly stupid, which i'm not going to, i don't trust the...
  3. expat0tree

    locked out of my canadian online banking!

    by skype you mean paid skype account? i don't have a single subscription to anything, not even netflix so anything paid is out of question unless i will have no choice but to go and buy me some special card for international calling. not even my phone has a monthly subcscription, i use wifi for...
  4. expat0tree

    locked out of my canadian online banking!

    i tried to sign onto my CIBC online banking but now it wants me to validate the account by using outdated phone numbers that i cannot change unless i log in first! i cannot call the 1800 help number because it doesn't work from argentina, sending an email isn't an option and i have no idea what...
  5. expat0tree

    New map of Argentina. Down to the South Pole.

    this phenomenon is on the rise in the recent almost-forgotten post war era. russia did that to georgia and south osetia first, then crimea. china made up a nine dash line in the south china sea, nepal released a brand new map hacking at the indian territory and many other countries are following...
  6. expat0tree

    New map of Argentina. Down to the South Pole.

    how clever. notice they claim the South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands so that they can extend sovereignty over the south pole in a triangular formation. without the chain of islands, claiming that much of the south pole would be harder to contest via the International Tribunal for the...
  7. expat0tree

    Buying internationally from Amazon or Alibaba

    any way to estimate the argentine import taxes on the number of items i need to purchase from ? also, what's with the CUIL number needing to be mentioned in the shipping address? amazon asks me what type of identification i would like to specify with the purhase - either passport...
  8. expat0tree

    Buying internationally from Amazon or Alibaba

    what if i use my mom's canadian credit card to buy something from spain and then have it shipped here. would they still rip her off with crazy taxes? how does that work? or will the local aduana make me pay half the value of everything just because i used a foreign credit card? can someone...
  9. expat0tree

    Buying internationally from Amazon or Alibaba

    i'm a carpenter and thinking about some hand tools that don't exist here, as well as good replacement blades for tools and eventually even an actual bulky power tool. i wish i knew someone who ordered something big from amazon and it went for them.
  10. expat0tree

    Buying internationally from Amazon or Alibaba

    are you suggesting crossing into paraguay via misiones? i see no point in flying. too costly. too much of a pain in the ass.
  11. expat0tree

    Buying internationally from Amazon or Alibaba

    the video is not very clear. so she paid more in import taxes on her phone than the european value of the phone? and then 30% on top of that ? why did she buy it then? it looks like there is enough rip off bureaucracy in place to dissuade anyone from ordering like that.
  12. expat0tree

    Buying internationally from Amazon or Alibaba

    some prices on alibaba seem cheaper but i don't know anyone who bought from there and what kind of red tape i'd have to deal with, i'll look into amazon also, maybe it's better.
  13. expat0tree

    Buying internationally from Amazon or Alibaba

    hi, i wonder if buying power tools from alibaba is safe for argentina considering the import duties and possibly super long delays. i noticed there are so much more choice outside this primitive country for a better price too but i wouldn't want to be surprised with some kind of additional...
  14. expat0tree

    They are selling stale bread

    Ever since I landed in Argentina and began buying bread at an Argentine bakery, I wanted to write about the experience without complaining too much and without being cynical. The occasional bad customer service is certainly worth a mention but by itself, is not enough of a reason to write about...
  15. expat0tree

    Corona Virus May Hit Argentina Hard

    here, this may help you a bit, hopefully.
  16. expat0tree

    Corona Virus May Hit Argentina Hard

    22,000 – 55,000 deaths are according to, do your homework people... notice there a 2k uptick in the numbers from my previous post, that's because they modified it themselves, not me, and it's more than i thought it was. Also keep in mind that the chinese did not build 2 giant hospitals...
  17. expat0tree

    Corona Virus May Hit Argentina Hard

    ok so you are not going to build immunity if your immunity is already broken but you would overcome it and next season your body would be a lot better prepared, as long you've taken care of yourself meantime, it's amazing how little is said about health-related personal responsibility these...
  18. expat0tree

    Corona Virus May Hit Argentina Hard

    Yes this virus will overwhelmed the health services precisely because people panic about it when they shouldn't. mortality rate of COVID-19 is anywhere from 2 to 4 percent, and not at 50% like it was for the bubonic plague or the 100% mortality rate for septicemic plague in untreated victims...
  19. expat0tree

    Corona Virus May Hit Argentina Hard

    we all are going to get the virus sooner or later, sit back and take it in, the body needs to battle the flu like symptoms to become immune to it, which is not any different from the typical common colds we had all experienced. mortality rate of covid-19 is in par with common colds, a bit more...
  20. expat0tree

    Buying Real Estate in BA

    Be prepared to play a cat and mouse game with the crooked realtors who want to hide the truth and jack up the price, squeezing the maximum possible out of you by comparison to the better properties you could have bought with the same amount of money. It also depends on how generous and patient...