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  1. D.B. Cooper

    The NYTimes Reviews a Special BA Restaurant...,

    The NYTimes reviews a "Special" BA restaurant,... Never been there but it looks like fun.
  2. D.B. Cooper

    Liam Payne former One Direction member dead in a fall from a BA Hotel balcony. Don't know...
  3. D.B. Cooper

    Argentina vs. Colombia. Copa America final played tonight at 9:00 pm BA time.

    Argentina vs. Colombia in Copa America final played tonight at 9:00 pm BA time in Miami. This is a huge match. Although Argentina is a huge favorite no one should underestimate Colombia. If you’re a soccer fan, this match would be hard not watch. If Argentina wins, head over to the Obelisko, the...
  4. D.B. Cooper

    Tonight 2024 Presidential debate between President Biden and former President Donald Trump.

    Tonight is the 2024 presidential debate between President Biden and former President Donald Trump at 10:00 PM BA time. You can watch it live on the CNN YouTube channel. This may decide whether our next president is a Convicted Felon or not. .
  5. D.B. Cooper

    German tourist goes missing in San Juan Province.

    Julia Horn a 19 year old tourist from Germany has been missing since last Thursday. She had planned to go trekking at the Tres Marias National Park. Local authorities were notified after she failed to return to the house where she was staying. Her cell phone stopped communicating at 15:34...
  6. D.B. Cooper

    Milei makes the cover of TIME Magazine.

    Milei makes the cover of TIME Magazine. This is for the upcoming June 10 issue. I think it’s going to become a collectors item. Can’t imagine any other Argentine president getting that honor.
  7. D.B. Cooper

    General Strike planned for tomorrow May 9

    Heads up everybody, General strike nation wide planned for tomorrow May 9. Supposedly no buses, no subway. If you have to go or be somewhere you might want to plan ahead.
  8. D.B. Cooper

    Boca vs River Super Classico Tomorrow,…can I watch it online?

    Tomorrow is the Super Classico between Boca vs River. Does anybody know if I can watch it online?… I have Telecentro with Star +, but I can’t even get them on the phone. Terrible service.
  9. D.B. Cooper

    O.J. Simpson dead at 76 y.o.

    O.J. Simpson dead at 76 y.o. Lost his battle with cancer. I always wondered why he never put up reward money to find out who killed his wife.
  10. D.B. Cooper

    President Milei flew to Davos on a commercial airline

    When I heard this I was curious because he was very critical of Aerolineas Argentinas. The flagship carrier of Argentina. Then I found out he flew on Lufthansa. I think he would have gotten lousy service from the flight attendants on AA. I’ve flown AA many times but never Lufthansa. President...
  11. D.B. Cooper

    Worldcoin Iris Scan for $$$ scam has landed in Argentina.

    Worldcoin crypto currency has landed in Argentina. They pay people to get their eyes scanned and in the process take your personal information. This is worse than George Orwell's “1984”. Worldcoin created its own crypto token, called WLD, and has offered 25 units (currently worth about $60) to...
  12. D.B. Cooper

    Why is the President of Argentina staying in a 4 star hotel?

    The President of a country stays in a 4 star hotel. I think this is very weird, very Third World. I have a feeling he is waiting to get all the bugs left over from the previous administration removed. And also he probably doesn’t want to cross paths / share the elevator with all the ñoquis that...
  13. D.B. Cooper

    Milei's in charge !!!…Wow !!!

    A few minutes ago I finished watching the President issue his DNU. All I can say is Wow !!!. There's a whole new country coming down the pike. And it looks awesome. Finally it’s the end of the ñoquis once and for all. It’s going to open up the economy to the world. It’s the end of years of...
  14. D.B. Cooper

    Do we have to pay taxes on SS payments ?

    This comes as a shock but turns out Social Security benefits payments are taxable. According to a recent NYTimes article. As they say, “read it and weep”. Archived version
  15. D.B. Cooper

    Milei Won. He is the new President of Argentina.

    Milei Won. He is the new President of Argentina. Fasten your seatbelts, this is going to be a bumpy ride. People had enough of the corruption and all the Peronist BS. The people have spoken.
  16. D.B. Cooper

    Presidential debate Massa vs Millei 9PM. Last one before election.

    Tomorrow at 9PM is the last presidential debate. Should be interesting. I think most people know who they’re going to vote for.
  17. D.B. Cooper

    French Tourist Dies After Being Robbed in Retiro.

    A tourist from France died yesterday after being robbed in the Retiro neighborhood of the city. Apparently he suffered a hear attack while making a report at nearby police station. Andres Renier Mateier was 77 y.o. he was with his wife when it happened. They were visiting their daughter who...
  18. D.B. Cooper

    Where to vote tomorrow.

    Here’s the link that will direct you to where your voting place is. I think the choice is clear, on one hand we have the current economy minister that wants to be President. On the other extreme we have a raging lunatic that will say anything to get elected. He wants to “dollarize“ the peso by...
  19. D.B. Cooper

    Survey.: Best to worst airline to fly from BA to USA.

    Last year I flew to NYC from BA on American A. It was a direct flight, The plane arrived on time but the plane was jammed packed and the seats seemed extra small, very uncomfortable and the food was sub par. The personnel here at the American Airlines office on Ave. Santa Fe gave me incorrect...
  20. D.B. Cooper

    The SSA foreign enforcement questionnaire arrived by local mail

    FORM SSA-7162-OCR-SM The Foreign Enforcement Questionnaire is mailed to the beneficiaries or representative payee in May/June of each year. Beneficiaries with social security numbers ending 00-49 must submit their enforcement questionnaire in even numbered years. Beneficiaries with social...