Search results

  1. C

    Writers Night

    Any one have interest in some kind of Writers' Meet-Up night? It could take any form, and whatever level of seriousness people wanted. I'm here working on a novel and some other projects, and just want to meet some other writers/novelists/journos. Email me at [email protected] or post a...
  2. C

    Expat drinks night/meetup?

    When is the next meetup or drinks night for expats? I'm arriving in BA April 15, and would like to meet some people.... I'm 28/m, and moving to BA from New York.
  3. C

    Bank account?

    Is it worth it to get a bank account in BA, and what are the problems/complications associated with this? I'm not sure how long I'll be there, but it will at least be a few months. And I found out my bank charges a 3% fee on all cash withdrawals and credit card transactions, even though it has...
  4. C

    Getting a cell phone in BA

    Can anyone offer any advice on getting a cellphone in BA? I'm going to be there for at least three months, and don't think I'll have a permanent address for longer than a month at a time. What does it cost to rent a phone and do the pre-paid route? Is that even possible down there?
  5. C

    Barrio Norte

    Hello, I've located a place in Barrio Norte, can anybody give me a brief lowdown on this neighborhood? I remember it being close to Recoleta, but beyond that I don't know anything about it. Thanks...
  6. C

    San Telmo

    Can anybody give me a brief description of San Telmo in terms of nightlife, day-life, general location within the city, safety, etc.? I was in BA for a week in August, but only went to San Telmo once. Am moving to BA in February and searching for places to live.