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    Imported Food Products Are Allowed a Mirage?

    i don’t know too much about logistics, but i do know that counterintuitively, shipping by trucks from chile and other neighboring countries is far more expensive than by container ship.
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    Jujuy 468: turno to receive DNI

    you think the boleta that they sent a year ago is still valid? i guess i could go to banco central and pay 300 pesos tomorrow morning!
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    Jujuy 468: turno to receive DNI

    hey folks! i have a turno tomorrow to receive, after 4 years, a bar opening, many girlfriends, a marriage, and a dog, my permanent dni. i'm heading down to jujuy 468 to recieve it, and have seen that they need the reciept showing that i paid for it...that paper receipt that i received from banco...
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    Anybody else notice coffee recently not tasting good?

    best coffee beans that you can find will be from puerto blest in villa crespo. they import and roast, and they’re the best positioned of the market to weather import problems - they have a stock of many millions of dollars of green (unroasted) coffee beans in-country, meaning they’ll always have...
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    recently received new DNI - need to change CUIT

    hey folks! i was approved for permanent residency on the 2nd of Jan. after asking Renaper on twitter, they sent me my new DNI number. i haven’t received the physical card yet i currently have a restaurant registered under my CUIT, which i got with a precaria. my understanding is that the DNI...
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    Permanent residence interview after marriage

    hey, actually just checked today and it was approved the 10th - now it’s just a question of arrival!
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    Permanent residence interview after marriage

    i’m still waiting. precaria was renewed in december
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    Any leads on BA restaurants with spicy food?

    dimi bar in chacarita is run by two american spiceheads and has decent heat integrated into most of the dishes - they also drop like three types of hot sauce on the table for you
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    Permanent residence interview after marriage

    had the interview yesterday - it was really chill. we're a same sex couple and were interviewed together. asked when i arrived to argentina, how/when we met, when we became a couple, about our families (who's met who), and given the apparent okay. the woman who interviewed us (cecilia) was...
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    Permanent residence interview after marriage

    thanks so much for the info! how long roughly did it take for your interview date take to be granted? and when was this? in the pandemia times or more recently? has your DNI arrived yet? did it delay much longer after the renewed precaria?
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    Permanent residence interview after marriage

    Hi! they recently sent me an email 3 months after my initial appointment asking for this same documentation. After you submitted it, did they request the interview? Was it the same interview referenced earlier in this thread, with your spouse? or just an interview with you?
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    Second hand bicycles

    when you say unreasonably high, how much are they asking for? bike prices are inflated globally due to supply chain issues and they're a hot commodity - one of the fastest ways to making a bit of scratch here for people with little resources is a bike and a rappi bag. i'm selling two bikes...
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    Western Union money transfer

    are the locations on La Pampa and Cordoba open on feriados?
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    May 18, 2022 Census Day in ARG, per optional digital tool

    well, naturally couldn't complete the digital census without a DNI to input, and they're obviously no option to input a passport number. Guess i'll have to do the whole thing in analog tomorrow - fun!
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    Visa Runs

    I think i understand. So i won't have anything to show them, per se, but they'll see in my file upon entry that i'm in process, thus making it more likely that they'll let me in?
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    Visa Runs

    so you’re saying i should apply for long term residency without my CBC, i’ll receive a precaria number before submitting paperwork, and i can come back with the documents that are necessary for the appointment?
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    Visa Runs

    it’s a paper that my girlfriend and i got done at a escribano during the pandemic that certified that we were a family unit. different than the coliving document, but was effectively the same under the family reunification policy in act during the pandemic. to my understanding, at least
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    Visa Runs

    Hey folks, reviving this thread for a quick question. Seems like prevailing wisdom is that visa runs aren't really cool anymore. I'd like to explain my situation and see if anyone can provide some clarity. I overstayed during the pandemic until may 2021, left, came back in August 2021 with a...
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    Argentine women are the only thing I really don't like in Argentina.

    TH this is such a great reply, and if you understand these norms then dating here as a single foreign guy is an absolute dream. The women tend to be really confident, cultured, creative, and driven. They're also stunning, and very direct in getting in to bed. you just need to get used to the...
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    Receiving a Package/Parcel from Home

    three small sunglasses clip-ons. I'm more than happy to pay for the 50% import cost, it's just a matter of how that's handled. is it paid for in advance when the shipper sends via DHL? Is it sent as a bill to the person whose CUIL is declared on the shipment? Do i have to pay it before the goods...