30 Years Of Democracy

You just validated what I said. You could have watched it last night pretty much anywhere. It was even broadcast in its entirety on TN — and it wasn't a "cadena nacional."

Rich One, it's in Spanish -- I'm sorry you won't understand any of it.

One of your serious problems is you ass-u-me that you are the only privileged bilingual on this board....!! jajajaj

La verdad que no tengo la paciencia de escuchar 50 minutos de perorata, pero escuche partes, solo con ver en primera fila a la Bonafini me crispa los nervios, ademas de los aplaudidores de siempre como Animal Fenandez...!!

Me extraña que no cito a Clarin ni Magneto, culpo a un seguidor de Massa. Negando que el verdadero motivo de los saqueos es la Ira contra el Indec, y Moreno y todos los corruptos como el gobernador de Tucuman que hace las reuniones de sus ministros en Cancun, mientras todos se cagan de hambre. Moria Casan y Florencia de la V solo restan.

Toda la opinion publica hoy condena el baile la musica y el golpeo de cacerolas, durante la crisis en Tucuman

Camarada Brady , chupate esa mandarina.... :D

Google Translator .... funny !

Actually I do not have the patience to listen 50 minute rant, but listening parties, only to see first hand the Bonafini unnerves me, besides the usual clappers as Fenandez ... Animal!

I wonder she did not quote Magneto or Clarin, she blames a follower of Massa. Denying that the real reason for the looting is against INDEC, and Moreno and all corrupts as the governor of Tucuman who holds his minister meetings in Cancun, while all starve. hunger. Moria Casan and Florence V add nothing..

All public opinion condemns today's dance music and banging pans, during the crisis in Tucuman

Comrade Brady, suck this tangerine .. : D
I am not surprised that the current national government does not even acknowledge that 1900 stores were sacked and looted. This is really sad (not only the fact that it happened, but the fact that I'm not surprised they do not even care). The cruel apathy about something that everyone should be shocked about is deafening. In fact, I will not even read about or watch the news, because it makes me sick to my stomach to watch interviews of people in tears because their life is now likely in shambles. How long will it take people here in this country to wake up and realize that life is not just about yourself, but that every action you take affects someone else? How far will it have to fall for things to change?
Celebrating in Salta...

Imagine Aldo Rico being appointed Police Commissioner in Chief.
To paraphrase Rousseau: Let them have football! (or eat brioche, as the case may be)

Or whatever else pleases the simple masses that they, themselves, have created.

It doesn't matter that they were celebrating 30 years of "democracy" while riots are breaking out, that's a small side issue, though it does help highlight things.

It matters that they were celebrating 30 years of democracy while at least the last 3 or so were really far from it. There is much pretension of democracy here under Cristina, but little in reality. Her party, being Peronist in her own image (her own manner of paraphrasing Peron, shall we say), is founded on fascist principles of control of the economy and business and many other things, by the government. How many presidential decrees have been as concrete as law? Doesn't seem very democratic to me, and she sure as hell doesn't have much of a mandate, according to her popularity figures.

The idea that one should simply "bow down" to the government that does everything it can to avoid the constitution under which the laws are supposed to operate, by force and bribery and whatever other low-brow means are considered necessary to achieve an end is ridiculous to me. That is not is not a definition of democracy.

That is the real smack in the face. The looting is the result of a LOT of poverty, lack of true opportunities and a police force that even when not on strike is supported in a large part by coima and protectionism and hardly protects the average citizen on any kind of regular basis.

I find it interesting that, with such a lack of police presence normally, except in rich areas for the most part, it took the police going on strike to create such a large round of rioting and looting. I haven't seen anyone talking (maybe missed it) about the rather large coincidence inherent in this situation between the time the police went on strike and the rioting and looting started. In a country where police presence is fairly minimal (at least from what I'm used to in the States, and what I've seen first-hand in other countries, particularly in the UK), the police going on strike relieved enough people of their apprehension of police that they felt like they could suddenly start looting at will seems a bit concocted.

Some will say that "it's December, it always happens."

I won't say it doesn't always happen, but truly in the 7+ years that I've lived here, last year was when it really became noticeable to me. Last year, I found it odd that the rioters were so well provisioned for looting that they had freshly-made plywood shields to protect themselves...

This year it seems they come out when the police go on strike.

Hmmm. A whole lotta democracy goin' on. All the time.

First, do no harm. The ends never (or at the very least, rarely) justifies the means.
You just validated what I said. You could have watched it last night pretty much anywhere. It was even broadcast in its entirety on TN — and it wasn't a "cadena nacional."

Rich One, it's in Spanish -- I'm sorry you won't understand any of it.

I learned a long time ago, that anything that comes out of it's mouth is pure KaKa..not worth the seconds wasted..in fact I had to walk through the area when she was 'excreting' out of the mouth..I had to cover my ears, it was abosolutamente unbearable to listen to it's noises..it should be locked up, not still be free to ramble on in public...let alone running a country. WHo in their right mind could be bothered to stop to listen to this incurable ENFERMA? As if it's ever able to say anything coherent or palpable.