8.9 Quake & Tsunami in JApan.

saying there have been more weather/climate related events in the last 20 years and then saying earthquakes are on the increase (which is statistically and demonstrably false) are two different things. Stop comparing apples and pears and hoping your crackpot theory gets through and convinces a few gullible souls.
esllou said:
saying there have been more weather/climate related events in the last 20 years and then saying earthquakes are on the increase (which is statistically and demonstrably false) are two different things. Stop comparing apples and pears and hoping your crackpot theory gets through and convinces a few gullible souls.

It's called moving the goalposts, a task at which Pericles has proven himself quite adept on this forum (actually Pericles can move goalposts, backpedal and contruct a straw man simultaneously, a cool party trick).
It's interesting that the data that Pericles used to invent his earthquake fantasy (which is in fact an incomplete list of selected earthquakes of general historic interest) is from the same source (the USGS) as the complete data published on this thread and others to refute his argument. Data which Pericles chooses to ignore or label unreliable.

He posted the faulty data nearly a year ago but accidentally included in his cut and paste a footnote from the article which explained the apparent increase in earthquakes in the graph was down to the fact that the data was only a collection of earthquakes of historical interest. He quickly removed this footnote when he saw that he had exposed his own error.

It's all here (while it lasts) if anyone can be bothered :


Wouldn't it have been easier to just say 'my mistake' a year ago rather than construct some paranoid earthquake cult impermeable to reason?
reading through that thread from last year, you realise that perry was asked outright at least 4 times by various posters to put forward a theory as to why he thought there were more earthquakes happening around the world, something all emotion-free figures suggest is patently untrue. Every time, these requests were ignored. He always just came back ranting on about "it's so obvious...you sheeple believe what you want, but I know it's happening".

sometimes, it's just easier to shout from a soap box. Probably more fun too.
esllou said:
sometimes, it's just easier to shout from a soap box. Probably more fun too.

In fairness we should not hold Perry to a higher standard of reporting than other notable baexpats. He has to compete for space and attention with baexpats who in these very pages solve the world's economic problems, predict inflation rates months ahead, and provide detailed in-depth political analysis of any local affairs without delay. They also keep us up to date on immigration regulation changes, and restaurant reviews. They are out roving the streets in search of crime. Even street cleaning problems come under almost daily scrutiny. If we start to expect real data, double blind studies and statistical significance from reports we'll have almost nothing to read. What's the point of that! All the soap that's fit to print...
clooz said:
In fairness we should not hold Perry to a higher standard of reporting than other notable baexpats. He has to compete for space and attention with baexpats who in these very pages solve the world's economic problems, predict inflation rates months ahead, and provide detailed in-depth political analysis of any local affairs without delay. They also keep us up to date on immigration regulation changes, and restaurant reviews. They are out roving the streets in search of crime. Even street cleaning problems come under almost daily scrutiny. If we start to expect real data, double blind studies and statistical significance from reports we'll have almost nothing to read. What's the point of that! All the soap that's fit to print...

Good point none of us especially myself should take all of our jabbering all that seriously.
clooz said:
In fairness we should not hold Perry to a higher standard of reporting than other notable baexpats. He has to compete for space and attention with baexpats who in these very pages solve the world's economic problems, predict inflation rates months ahead, and provide detailed in-depth political analysis of any local affairs without delay. They also keep us up to date on immigration regulation changes, and restaurant reviews. They are out roving the streets in search of crime. Even street cleaning problems come under almost daily scrutiny. If we start to expect real data, double blind studies and statistical significance from reports we'll have almost nothing to read. What's the point of that! All the soap that's fit to print...

Its good to know I'm not the only one a little bemused by all the hack visionaries on this forum.

Incidentally, I don't want to sound like a paranoid conspiracy theory kinda guy but did anyone else see the sentence 'and there will be more events in the coming week' on Perry's last post? I swear I did but its not there anymore.

It seems pretty clear to me who owns the dastardly earthquake machine.
I find it amusing that people cannot accept the realities of a massive increase of natural disasters of late . Most people I speak to agree that in the last years things have gone haywire in the world and now a few dinosaurs from Ba Expats are trying to convince the board all is normal .

They remind me of the band on the titanic that were playing upbeat songs as the Titanic sunk to its watery grave.

In just one year we have had Russian heat wave , Haiti earthquake, Chile earthquake, New Zealand earthquake, Australian historic floods, Pakistan Floods, and now the largest earthquake ever recorded in Japans history .

As 2012 approaches natural disasters will dramatically increase with many earth shattering events. Is this a coincidence as it coincides with the Maya Calender.
perry said:
I find it amusing that people cannot accept the realities of a massive increase of natural disasters of late . Most people I speak to agree that in the last years things have gone haywire in the world and now a few dinosaurs from Ba Expats are trying to convince the board all is normal .

They remind me of the band on the titanic that were playing upbeat songs as the Titanic sunk to its watery grave

As 2012 approaches natural disasters will dramatically increase with many earth shattering events. Is this a coincidence as it coincides with the Maya Calender.
Yes Perry it is.
If you study geology you will find many such cycles and many which were far more dramatic than we are seeing today. The main factor in the "disaster" equation is that the human population has multiplied dramatically and is busy building infrastructure on fault lines and flood plains.
Remove the swarm of humanity from the equation and you really don't have a disaster. Just nature at work.