This discussion gets more ridiculous with each additional post. Look if parking your car costs $2 and the fine for not paying the $2 is $1 then I'm going to pay the fine every time.
I also said people who plan on staying there long-term should get residency. But if you are there (my guess probably 80-90% of the people on this site) temporarily then all this business of going to Uruguay or immigration several times during your stay is just a waste of time and money. If the Argentines were really serious about this they would have a real penalty.
If people don't like my comments they don't have to read them. Some people there seem to think that freedom of expression ends when anybody says something bad about Argentina. Some people who are in this camp may have their own agenda. I am not engaged in the business of trying to sell services or products to other expats.
I also said people who plan on staying there long-term should get residency. But if you are there (my guess probably 80-90% of the people on this site) temporarily then all this business of going to Uruguay or immigration several times during your stay is just a waste of time and money. If the Argentines were really serious about this they would have a real penalty.
If people don't like my comments they don't have to read them. Some people there seem to think that freedom of expression ends when anybody says something bad about Argentina. Some people who are in this camp may have their own agenda. I am not engaged in the business of trying to sell services or products to other expats.